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Yes, Hillary Clinton Knows A Lot About ‘The Weaponization Of Loneliness’



Hillary Clinton’s recent article at The Atlantic curiously bears exactly the same title as my own recent book, “The Weaponization of Loneliness.” Her piece has generated much criticism from conservatives—and deservedly so. But what neither Clinton nor her critics explain is what it actually means to weaponize loneliness and how such a process operates within us as well as in society at large.

Those who critique Clinton’s article tend to focus almost entirely on her demonization of her political opponents. This is completely understandable. Indeed, she pulls out all her usual suspects, including everything “right-wing,” white men, “incels,” Rush Limbaugh, MAGA, QAnon, Steve Bannon, parents concerned about the indoctrination of their young children at school, and more.

In addition, Hillary resurrects her old theme of a “vast right-wing conspiracy” to claim that those responsible for our crisis of loneliness have created and exploited a growing sense of alienation through “right-wing propaganda and misinformation, malign foreign interference in our elections, and the vociferous backlash against social progress.”

She uses smears like “alt-right” and “conspiracy theorist” dozens of times throughout the piece. Ironically, her language is precisely that of suppression and isolation. Such demonization is a staple of those who want to shut down conversation, isolate those who disagree, and enforce compliance with increasingly bizarre demands.

Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth, Americans are definitely suffering from an epidemic of loneliness and social isolation. This is not news. Our related tragedies—including spikes in deaths of despair and the adverse effects of social isolation

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Lawsuit: Nevada’s Most Populous County Keeps Hundreds Of Commercial Addresses On Voter Rolls



The Public Interest Legal Foundation filed a petition to compel officials in Clark County, Nevada, which contains Las Vegas, to investigate and correct voter rolls.

PILF found hundreds of voters were registered to receive mail-in ballots at addresses including strip clubs, casinos, and even the Las Vegas Harry Reid International Airport, so it is taking action to make Nevada officials investigate incorrect addresses on the state’s voter rolls. 

“In Clark County, people are registered to vote from strip clubs, casinos, gas stations, and more crazy addresses where it appears no one could reasonably live,” said Public Interest Legal Foundation President J. Christian Adams in a press release. “We are asking the court to force Nevada election officials to investigate any improper commercial addresses on the voter roll.”

PILF filed a petition for mandamus on June 25 in the 8th District Court for the State of Nevada as part of a lawsuit. The move would force election officials in Clark County to investigate commercial addresses on voter rolls and make corrections where needed. 

The number of suspicious addresses on the state voter rolls is alarming because Nevada expanded mail-in voting in 2021, requiring county clerks to automatically send mail-in ballots to each registered voter. State law requires citizens to register to vote from the address where they reside.

Lauren Bis, director of communications and engagement for PILF, approached a bartender in a YouTube video of the investigation.

“I was looking for Ronald or William Phelps,” Bis said.

“I don’t know who

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Biden’s Border Lies Catch Up With Him In First Debate



To be clear, President Joe Biden was a lie machine gun at Thursday night’s presidential debate, the first of two scheduled before November’s election. 

My colleague Shawn Fleetwood reported on 20 bald-faced Biden whoppers. There were more, many more. If he would have kept going, he might have run out of room — on the internet. At one point, the lies were coming so fast and furious that Fleetwood was like the medic in “Saving Private Ryan” trying to tend to wounded soldiers on D-Day as the Nazis relentlessly mowed down the first wave of invading Allied forces. “Just give us a f-cking chance,” the medic screamed amid a torrent of machine-gun fire and explosions. I could feel Fleetwood was nearly as overwhelmed trying to keep up with Biden’s lies. 

The Democrat’s accomplices in corporate media like to shrug off his many untruths as tall tales or “exaggerations.” But Biden couldn’t hide from one of his biggest lies of the night, particularly after he was caught by Border Patrol shortly after the lie was released. 

‘We Never Have and Never Will’

“By the way, the border patrolmen endorsed me, endorsed my position,” Biden told the CNN moderators and stunned Americans watching a desiccated corpse speak. 

Not long after Biden made the claim, the National Border Patrol Council, the union that represents the some 18,000 agents, took to X to set the record straight.

“To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.”

To be clear, we never

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ProPublica’s Pulitzer For Its Blatantly False Clarence Thomas Smear Should Be Revoked



The left-wing activists at ProPublica are standing by their mendacious smears of Justice Clarence Thomas.

The most recent attack on the justice began with an infamous April 2023 hit piece, which contends the Supreme Court justice broke federal law by failing to disclose vacations he took with longtime friend Harlan Crow.

The misleading story turned out to be fundamentally incorrect. Yet that didn’t stop ProPublica from continuing its journalistic malpractice, publishing a string of concocted stories about Thomas’ alleged unethical behavior. This sloppy, inaccurate, and malicious work eagerly spread by corporate media earned ProPublica a Pulitzer Prize.

It should be revoked.

First, ProPublica completely ignored a 2012 ruling by the U.S. Judicial Conference, a body composed of federal judges responsible under federal law for administering the ethics laws for the judiciary, that determined Justice Thomas had violated no laws with respect to his disclosure practices regarding vacations.

The ruling destroys ProPublica’s entire storyline. Instead of fessing up, the publication cited left-wing-funded “legal ethics experts” to support its narrative that Thomas broke the law. He didn’t. Later, ProPublica published a story seeking to discredit this 2012 ruling rather than concede its validity and admit its attack on Thomas was factually incorrect.

ProPublica published a story in August 2023 accusing Justice Thomas of having taken “a previously unreported voyage on a yacht around the Bahamas” with his friend Tony Novelly. He didn’t do that, either. The trip never happened — and based on ProPublica’s wording, it appears the publication knew it never

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