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Why Aggravation Is A Valuable Business Tool



In order to run a good business, you have to think like the consumer of said business. No one constructs a cinema, for example, without thinking about viewing angles, the ease by which to find seats, and what refreshments would be most popular for an audience buying their ticket and snacks.

But of course, it’s not just positives that drive business decision-making. It’s also what we’re trying to avoid. As such, going through like as a consumer, service-user, client and customer is valuable, especially if you focus on what annoys you. That level of aggravation might not seem like an enjoyable experience, and it’s true. Of course, you shouldn’t hyper-fixate on every issue, some negatives can be considered good in a way. For example, most people implicitly understand that waiting for their meal in a restaurant is part of the experience, not an annoyance of wasted time.

So, how can you leverage aggravation as a useful tool for planning your business? In this post, we hope to explore three stark examples:

Payment Issues

One of the most frustrating experiences for any customer is dealing with payment issues. After all, deciding to use a business is the ultimate achievement from a company’s point of view, and so any friction from that point on is usually negative unless implemented for security reasons.

A convoluted checkout process, hidden fees, or declined transactions are incredibly annoying, and these hiccups can quickly turn a pleasant shopping experience into a nightmare. As a business owner, it’s

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Safe Places to Invest Your Money




When it comes to putting your money in the right places, you want to ensure that you are making good investments. You want your money to work for you and an investment opportunity presenting itself gives you a chance to go ahead and earn something more. When the markets themselves turn volatile, you want to choose a low risk, safe investment and give your cash that moment in the sun. The good news is that there are safe investments out there that you can put your money into and you have to think about which online savings accounts, trades and stock opportunities are available to you.

We’ve got a short list of the accounts and investments that will make the most sense when you invest for the short term. You can withdraw as early as you like or you can just go on the long term wild ride of the market itself. So, let’s take a look at the investments you could use to put your money in the right places.

Look at money market accounts. What are these? Well, they’re savings accounts that allow you to directly spend from the account itself. Usually, a savings account will limit the number of transactions per month but these types of accounts can give you 5% or more in returns. As these are FDIC backed, you can get a guarantee of deposits of $250,000 per institution. An online, high yield savings account. These are fundamentally similar to typical savings accounts

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The Main Ways To Avoid Getting Into Debt




A lot of people get into debt from time to time, and it’s the kind of thing that you are always going to find really important to try and understand. The truth is that getting into debt can be avoided for most people, and that largely it’s a case of just having a good plan and knowing what you can do to get around it. Debt needs to be understood if it is to be avoided, and this is something that we are going to consider in this article.

In this post, we’ll take a look at the main things that you can do to avoid getting into debt. As long as you are doing at least some of the following, you’ll find that you are so much less likely to get into any debt at all, and that the debt you do have can be easily paid off and overcome. So let’s take a look and see what might be involved here.

Stick To Your Budget

One of the best tools you can have in general when you are trying to keep your finances in check is your budget. As long as you have a strong budget and you are sticking to it, this is the kind of thing that is going to help you a lot. It will mean you know exactly what you need to spend and that you have enough coming in to be able to do so. That’s a really useful situation to be

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Smart Financial Moves to Make in Your 30s, 40s, and 50s




If you want to be financially free it does not only mean you need to know how to save; it means you also need to know when to make strategic choices at each stage of your life to ensure financial security and growth in the long term. Today’s topic is all about how to make wise financial decisions in your 30s, 40s, and 50s and how to build a solid financial foundation while growing.


Financial Foundations in Your 30s Build an Emergency Fund

I’t worth considering to save up and secure an emergency fund that covers up to six to twelve months of your expenses. There are always unplanned events, like sudden job losses or emergency repairs, and it would be great if you had the backup cash to cover for that instead of talking on more debt. It may sound like a lot now, but it is more achievable if you start by setting aside a small portion of each paycheck and gradually increase it overtime- start with 5% and treat it like an expense. A wise decision would be to keep these funds in a high-yield savings account for easy access.

Invest in Your Career

Becoming financially wise starts with making personal growth-oriented decisions. If you ever find an opportunity to boost your career with further education or professional development, take it.

When you get higher qualifications it can lead to promotions or better job opportunities, significantly increasing your income potential over time. There are so

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