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Yes, Democrats Want Aliens To Vote In U.S. Elections. Take Jamie Raskin’s Word For It



As the House voted Thursday to bar foreign nationals from voting in local Washington, D.C. elections, Democrats and their public-relations team in the corporate media have rolled out the big guns in attacking such election integrity efforts. They’re painting the legislation that ensures noncitizens cannot vote in elections as the next so-called “Big Lie,” sticking to their well-worn narrative that noncitizens already are prohibited from voting in U.S. elections and that such violations “don’t exist.” 

But one of the fiercest opponents of the election integrity legislation has said the quiet part out loud, as Democrats are wont to do. 

‘Alien Suffrage’

As Fox News reported, U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., wrote a full-throated defense of “Alien Suffrage” in a 1993 paper for the American University Washington College of Law, where he serves as Professor of Law Emeritus. Raskin is ranking member of the House’s Oversight Committee, which, among other things, has constitutional oversight of the District of Columbia. 

“In this Article, I will argue that the current blanket exclusion of noncitizens from the ballot is neither constitutionally required nor historically normal,” Raskin wrote. “Moreover, the disenfranchisement of aliens at the local level is vulnerable to deep theoretical objections since resident aliens — who are governed, taxed, and often drafted just like citizens — have a strong democratic claim to being considered members, indeed citizens, of their local communities.”

A top Democrat leader unveils liberal plans to give illegal immigrants right to vote in local, state, and federal elections.


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Ex-FBI Counsel Behind Russiagate, Biden Laptop Censorship Now Part Of Left-Wing Election Network



The former FBI general counsel who pushed Twitter to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story is now working with a left-wing election influencers’ group. 

James Baker, also prominent for his role in pushing the FBI’s political persecution of former President Donald Trump for the “Russiagate” hoax, is listed as a member of the National Task Force on Election Crises. The group is a subsidiary of the left-wing Protect Democracy Project, a litigation group formed to oppose Trump’s policies, according to InfluenceWatch.

The task force pushes early and mail-in voting, claims to help prevent “cyber or other attacks by foreign adversaries or domestic disrupters,” promotes “pre-canvassing of absentee ballots,” seeks to discourage legal election challenges, and advocates for censorship of certain online speech about elections.  

Working for the Regime

Baker’s key areas of expertise, according to the group’s website, are “legal and legislative issues,” “political violence and intimidation,” “foreign and cyber interference,” and “election subversion.”

Baker certainly knows about “legal issues.” While serving as the FBI’s lead counsel, he met with Michael Sussmann — who he later admitted was a “friend” — and who provided “intel” supposedly proving connections between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, a Russian company. Sussmann claimed he was acting on his own behalf, though he was later found to have been working for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign.

Baker should also know about “political violence and intimidation,” considering that he prompted the FBI to investigate Trump using Sussmann’s faulty information. He also told Congress Sussmann’s lie

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BlueCross BlueShield Forced To Pay $700,000 To Fired Employee Over Vax Mandate



A former employee of BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee (BCBST) was awarded a nearly $700,000 settlement Friday after she was fired for refusing the Covid-19 vaccine. 

Tanja Benton, the plaintiff, submitted a religious exemption when BCBST forced a vaccine mandate on its employees in August 2021. A Tennessee federal jury found “by a preponderance of evidence that her [plaintiff] refusal to receive the Covid vaccination was based upon sincerely held religious belief.” 

The Plaintiff had submitted her religious exemption to BCBST in September 2021 and was fired in November of that year.

“Specifically, Plaintiff firmly believes, based upon personal research, that all COVID-19 vaccines are derived from aborted fetus cell lines,” Benton’s lawsuit reads. “Because of her sincerely held religious beliefs concerning abortion, Plaintiff cannot in good conscience consume the vaccine, which would not only defile her body but also anger and dishonor God.”

Benton’s lawsuit also cited the nature of her job as a biostatistical research scientist with BCBST as solitary; she infrequently met with clients and was able to successfully work remotely.

“Plaintiff’s job rarely involved direct interaction with clients,” the lawsuit reads. “In fact, approximately one percent (25 hours) of her total annual working hours (2,080 hours) involved client interaction.” 

Benton was an employee of BCBST for 16-plus years before her termination. Before the vaccine mandate, Benton had worked remotely for over a year and a half amid pandemic lockdown orders.

“Plaintiff conducted all client meetings by remote means,” the lawsuit reads. “No client expressed any concerns or problems about remote interactions, nor did any client express a desire for Plaintiff to have

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How Red States Can Hold ‘Zuckbucks’ Group Legally Accountable For 2020 Election Meddling



Joe Biden’s unprecedented “basement” presidential campaign in 2020 and the chaotic election that followed represented a stunning repudiation of U.S. election norms as they have evolved over the last 250 years. The chaos involved a flurry of legally questionable and last-minute suspensions of existing election rules and an avalanche of unsupervised mail-in ballots in states that were not accustomed to their use. The election also brought the formerly obscure practice of “ballot harvesting” to the forefront of popular consciousness.

Amidst the chaos, one of the biggest questions remaining is how the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) — a sleepy, Chicago-based election and civic “engagement” nonprofit, armed with a staggering sum of more than $300 million from tech billionaire Mark Zuckerberg — became one of the key 2020 election players. CTCL’s officers, promoters, and donors were among the “well-funded cabal of powerful people” who, as Time Magazine admitted in 2021, worked “behind the scenes” to “fortify” the 2020 election against Donald Trump.

Many Republican election watchers have long been scratching their heads, wondering if there is something that ties CTCL to something more nefarious than taking advantage of a legal gray area to help local election offices with “COVID-19 Response” during the 2020 election. 

Our research revealed that, while election safety during Covid may have been the stated reason for CTCL’s program, this was not its purpose

CTCL’s $332 million-plus election funding effort (also known as “Zuckbucks”) influenced election offices in critical Democrat areas in 2020 through large, “strings

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