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Republicans Who Don’t Impeach Biden And His DOJ Cronies Now Are Part Of The Partisan Prosecution Problem



The latest round of unconstitutional charges from Biden’s Department of Justice against former President Donald Trump warrants a severe smackdown from the other branches of government. Senate Republicans have a proven track record of being useless in defending conservatives against Democrat-led attacks but even the House GOP has sat on its haunches on this issue far too long.

Formally, according to an indictment announced Tuesday night, Trump faces charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and an attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against civil rights, all of which were brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith in an investigation into Trump’s actions leading up to and on Jan. 6, 2021. In reality, Trump faces punishment by his likely 2024 presidential rival for claiming the 2020 election was stolen, an opinion which is undoubtedly protected by the First Amendment.

The most recent indictment is in addition to the 74 preexisting charges in the Democrats’ classified documents and Manhattan cases against Trump, both of which are legally weak, even by Never Trumpers’ standards. The number of charges is only expected to go up, with several more charges anticipated in the “get Trump” Georgia election case.

The timing of Trump’s indictments is suspicious because it perfectly aligns with the Biden administration’s attempts to obstruct and cover up the Democrat president’s role in an international influence-peddling scheme. Every time there is a bombshell breakthrough in the Biden family corruption case, Trump is

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‘Election Interference’: Leftist PAC’s Ad Uses Deceitful Trump Clips To Suppress Republican Votes



In what is being described as “blatant election interference,” a left-wing group is pushing ads insisting Pennsylvania Republicans “listen to” former President Trump and forgo early voting. 

The ad, paid for by liberal super PAC “Pennsylvania Values,” uses old clips from Trump talking about how corrupt mail-in voting is — a statement grounded in a fair amount of truth but a message that Trump and the GOP have moved past as they urge Republicans to vote early in November’s rematch of the 2020 presidential election. 

“MAGA Patriots Listen To Our President!” the ad, using a black and white photo of Trump, declares. 

“Mail-in voting is totally corrupt. Get that through your head!” Trump says in a clip punctuated by dramatic music. 

Conservative organizations working get-out-the-vote efforts in battleground Pennsylvania and elsewhere say the ad is the kind of “disinformation” campaign that the left, Big Tech and the Deep State have railed against — and shut down.  

“Pennsylvania Values is a Left-wing super PAC dedicated to silencing conservative voices and keeping Republican voters home, no matter the tactics,” Sentinel Action Fund, Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC), and Keystone Renewal PAC said in a press release response. 

“To use the Left’s terminology, this new ad buy is ‘disinformation,’ completely mischaracterizing conservatives’ views of early voting,” said Sentinel Action Fund President Jessica Anderson, RSLC PAC President Dee Duncan, and Keystone Renewal PAC Spokesman Kaelan Dorr in the joint statement. 

‘Forecasting Dirty Tricks’

It should come as little surprise that a liberal group

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Judge Throws Out Leftist Nevada AG’s Phony ‘Fake Electors’ Case Against Trump Supporters



Lawfare leftists lost another round in their bogus “fake electors” scheme to imprison Trump supporters, this time in Nevada where the state’s Democrat attorney general is pushing an 11th-hour political prosecution. 

Clark County District Judge Mary Kay Holthus on Friday shut down a trial slated for early next year in the case of six grassroots conservatives charged with felony forgery counts for serving as contingent electors for then-President Donald Trump in the disputed 2020 election. The judge found prosecutors for far-left Attorney General Aaron Ford erred in choosing Democrat bastion Clark County, home to Las Vegas, as the venue for the trial. As the Nevada Independent reported, the judge agreed with the defendants’ attorneys, who argued the a northern venue should have been selected, particularly within Carson City — where the alternate elector signing ceremony actually took place in the weeks after the presidential election in which Democrat Joe Biden narrowly claimed victory in the swing Silver State. 

“You have literally, in my opinion, a crime that has occurred in another jurisdiction,” Holthus reportedly said. “It’s so appropriately up north and so appropriately not here.” (Holthus is the same judge who was attacked in January by a defendant during sentencing.)

Ford’s political prosecution against Jim DeGraffenreid, Durward James Hindle III, Jesse Law, Shawn Meehan, Michael McDonald, and Eileen Rice can no longer be taken up in a northern jurisdiction because the three-year statute of limitations expired in December, as the Nevada Independent notes. 

But Ford isn’t giving up. He reportedly

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Exclusive: Biden Admin ‘Ignored’ Vaccine Safety Protocols To Fast-Track Its Covid Shot Mandates



The Biden administration pressured federal health agencies to ignore and sidestep several vaccine safety protocols to fast-track its Covid shot mandates, a new report obtained by The Federalist shows.

Published by the House Administrative State Subcommittee, which is spearheaded by Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., the interim staff report reveals how the Biden administration bullied Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials to “go beyond their legal authorities while … it ignored risks revealed in the initial release of the [Emergency Use Authorization] EUA vaccine and required that the vaccine be given to the military and federal employees.” The administration also mandated large private businesses require their employees to get the shot, but that directive was deemed illegal by the U.S. Supreme Court.

As noted in the report, FDA policy regarding the EUA Covid shots “was that manufacturers and the government monitor and communicate findings as to the effects of a product being rolled out under that lower, emergency-response standard.” In defiance of those protocols, the Biden administration purportedly “pivoted away from this important requirement and sought to ensure the EUA vaccine received full licensure as a way to support vaccine mandates.”

“While the vaccine approval process can be robust and lengthy, the Biden Administration through [then] Acting [FDA] Commissioner Janet Woodcock sought to move on an arbitrary political timeline and pressed the FDA to ignore its regulations in the approval process,” the report reads. “During this time, the Administration ignored or silenced voices that questioned the merits of universal

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