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NBC Spewed Abortion Lies In DeSantis Interview, Then Cut Off His Answer Exposing Them As Bunk



NBC News’ Dasha Burns is the latest corporate media mouthpiece to try to con Americans into tolerating Democrats’ radical abortion agenda by pretending it doesn’t exist.

In an interview with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis this week, Burns repeatedly lied about Democrats’ nationwide attempts to legalize ending the lives of preborn babies through all nine months of pregnancy.

Burns kicked off the interview by questioning whether DeSantis would veto national pro-life legislation that would limit or effectively ban abortion in all states.

“We will be a pro-life president, and we will support pro-life policies,” DeSantis reassured her. “I would not allow what a lot of the left wants to do which is to override pro-life protections throughout the country, all the way up really until the moment of birth in some instances, which I think is infanticide.”

Burns claimed DeSantis’ answer was a “misrepresentation of what’s happening” since only a small percentage of total abortions happen in later trimesters.

“There’s no evidence of Democrats pushing for abortions up until [birth],” Burns insisted.

Let’s talk about how NBC’s Dasha Burns is lying here.@RonDeSantis notes he’d oppose what “the left wants to do, which is to override pro-life protections” & allow abortions” up to birth, but Burns says “that’s a misrepresentation” & only “1.3% of abortions” are late-term.

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) August 7, 2023

“But their view is — their view is, is that all the way up until that, there should not be any

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Is Christian Nonprofit Voter Outreach The Answer To Beating Democrats’ Election Machine?



There used to be a day in America when elections were simple. Voters would show up to the polls on Election Day, cast their ballot, and know which candidate won that night before going to bed.

That is no longer the case following the 2020 election cycle.

The expansion of early and mass mail-in voting has turned Election Day into election season. In several states, voters are forced to wait days — and in some cases, weeks — before learning the outcome of an election. This has led many Americans to lack confidence in the electoral process.

Even more startling, however, has been the complete shift in how elections are won. Candidates and their policy platforms are no longer the main factors in predicting the outcome of any given race. Rather, it’s how many ballots from eligible electors can be “chased” and submitted at the behest of partisan actors ahead of Election Day.

In the case of Democrats, a big facet of their strategy involves the participation of left-wing nonprofit organizations, which aim to register so-called “underrepresented groups.” This includes demographics likely to vote for Democrats, such as racial minorities, college-educated women, and young people. Taking this approach allows these groups to skirt federal law, which prohibits 501(c)(3)s from engaging in “partisan” voter registration.

Investigative reports published by the Capital Research Center and Restoration of America have unearthed how embracing nonprofit voter registration has netted Democrats potentially millions of votes across battleground states in recent elections. Given

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Democrats Can’t Boot Biden Without ‘Denying’ The Primary Election 



Democrats love to talk about democracy almost as much as they love to bring up “Russia! Russia! Russia!” The blue party’s usual talking points about preserving “America’s sacred cause” at whatever cost (literally), however, were suspiciously lacking from their commentary on the first presidential debate.

For years, Democrats and their corporate media cronies have gnashed their teeth and stomped their feet about “defending democracy” by smearing election integrity and attacking Republicans who try to protect women and children.

Democrats are so dead set on their definition of democracy that they joined establishment Republicans to waste billions of American tax dollars on an overseas war between two corrupt countries that has no oversight or end in sight. Never mind that the United States, which is technically a republic, is on the brink of destruction thanks to the leftist party.

They also put incessant pressure on former President Donald Trump to “accept the results of the election” while most of their own routinely rejected their party’s losses.

.@DanaBashCNN: “Will you pledge tonight that once all legal challenges have been exhausted, that you will accept the results of this election regardless of who wins? And you will say right now that political violence in any form is unacceptable?”

Trump: “Well, I shouldn’t have…

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) June 28, 2024

Instead of advancing “democracy” by promoting what they purport to be voters’ wishes for the future of the nation now, however, Democrat strategists, corporate media, and late-night keyboard lurkers collectively agreed by

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The Real Winner Of Last Night’s Debate Was Gavin Newsom



California’s far-left governor spent the hour before Thursday night’s debate in the media spin room ostensibly cheerleading for a president he knows he is about to replace, either in four years or four months.

“This is it,” Gov. Gavin Newsom told reporters ahead of the primetime event, going after former President Donald Trump more than promoting President Joe Biden. “This is liberalism versus illiberalism.”

“This is very sobering for me and I hope for the American people,” Newsom added.

What was more sobering, however, was when the 81-year-old incumbent took the stage and put his senility on display. Here are some of the headlines Americans woke up to Friday morning:

The Trump campaign was quick to capitalize on Biden’s poor performance with an ad highlighting some of the president’s worst moments.

Immediately after the debate ended, CNN’s John King noted “a deep, a wide and a very aggressive panic” engulfing the Democratic Party.

“It started minutes into the debate and it continues right now,” King said. “It involves party strategists. It involves elected officials. It involves fundraisers. And they are having conversations about the president’s performance which they think was dismal.”

“Some of those conversations,” King added, “include ‘should we go to the White House and ask the president to step aside?’ Other conversations are about ‘should prominent Democrats go public with that call?’”

CNN’s John King reflects on #CNNDebate: “This was a game-changing debate…there is a deep a wide and a very aggressive panic in the Democratic

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