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Investigators: Biden Business Brought In $20 Million And Counting From Foreign Oligarchs While Joe Biden Was VP



The Biden family raked in upwards of $20 million from foreign business partners during the Obama administration, according to new records out Wednesday.

According to financial documents released by the House Oversight Committee, President Joe Biden’s son Hunter ran the family influence-peddling scheme by funneling money across a series of shell companies to conceal “the source and size of the payments.” The records released Wednesday reveal large payments from oligarchs in Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan.

“It appears no real services were provided other than access to the Biden network, including Joe Biden himself,” said House Oversight Chairman James Comer, R-Ky. “It’s clear Joe Biden knew about his son’s business dealings and allowed himself to be ‘the brand’ sold to enrich the Biden family while he was Vice President of the United States.”

Last week, former Biden family business partner Devon Archer detailed the family influence-peddling operation in testimony before the Oversight Committee. Archer, the co-founder of Hunter Biden’s firm, Rosemont Seneca, told lawmakers that foreign oligarchs hired the president’s son to buy immediate access to Washington politicians including Joe Biden himself, gain the Biden “brand,” and intimidate enemies.

“I think at the end of the day, part of what was delivered is the brand,” Archer said. “I mean, it’s like anything, you know, if you’re Jamie Dimon’s son or any CEO. You know, I think that’s what we’re talking about, is that there was brand being delivered along with other capabilities and reach. … I think ‘brand’ is

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North Carolina Sends Citizens-Only Voting Amendment To Voters For Approval



North Carolina’s GOP-controlled General Assembly passed a constitutional amendment proposal on Thursday affirming only U.S. citizens can vote in elections.

HB 1074 stipulates that “only a citizen of the United States” who is 18 years old and meets existing voter eligibility requirements may vote in elections held in the Tar Heel State. The measure passed the House (99-12) and Senate (40-4) with the support required to be sent to voters for consideration and will appear on North Carolina’s November ballot.

If approved by voters, the amendment will be enshrined in the state’s constitution.

“It’s only fair to the citizens of this state that we ensure that only citizens are allowed to vote in this state, and this bill gives them the opportunity to decide that for themselves,” Republican Sen. Buck Newton reportedly said.

A companion bill (SB 630) containing a citizens-only voting amendment was also considered by the Senate. The final version of the measure contained constitutional amendment proposals seeking to require voter ID for all forms of voting and cap the state income tax at 5 percent. This would strengthen existing state constitutional requirements mandating electors present ID when voting in person by expanding that requirement to include mail-in voting.

Laws requiring voter ID in North Carolina elections were passed in 2018 and 2019 and took effect last year following years-long court challenges.

With HB 1074’s passage, the Senate amended SB 630 to strip out the citizens-only amendment from the measure prior to its approval on Thursday. The bill did not, however, receive a

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Supreme Court Strikes Blow To Administrative State, Overturns Chevron Doctrine



The Supreme Court curbed the unmitigated power of federal agencies with a new landmark ruling delivered Friday.

In a 6-3 decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, the high court overturned a 40-year precedent that gave federal agencies broad authority to implement regulations under ambiguous language unless Congress had explicitly prohibited such rules. Chief Justice John Roberts, however, writing the majority opinion to overturn the 1984 precedent in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, stated that “Courts must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority.”

The 1984 Chevron doctrine established the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) authority to enforce the Clean Air Act, allowing federal bureaucrats to read their own interpretations into what Congress authorized agencies to do. Justice Roberts wrote that the precedent gave bureaucratic agencies too much power and argued for the judiciary to step in, noting that the “Administrative Procedures Act requires courts to exercise independent judgment.”

“Courts, after all, routinely confront statutory ambiguities in cases having nothing to do with Chevron — cases that do not involve agency interpretations or delegations of authority,” Roberts wrote. “Of course, when faced with a statutory ambiguity in such a case, the ambiguity is not a delegation to anybody, and a court is not somehow relieved of its obligation to independently interpret the statute.”

“Courts in that situation do not throw up their hands because ‘Congress’s instructions have’ supposedly ‘run out,’ leaving a statutory ‘gap,’” the chief justice added. “Courts instead understand

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Texas Rangers Still Won’t Join The MLB’s Rainbow Antics, And Corporate Media Can’t Stand It



The Texas Rangers are once again the target of leftist media attacks because of the team’s refusal to comply with the LGBT agenda that has infiltrated the MLB.

The Texas team has for years chosen not to participate in the league’s “pride night” campaign, so left-wing media outlets have targeted it every June since 2021. But the Rangers continue to side with their fans’ values despite the mounting pressure. This year, corporate media have again reached a fever pitch about the Rangers’ refusal to celebrate “pride night.”

“The Texas Rangers are frustrating LGBTQ+ advocates as the only MLB team without a Pride Night,” reads an Associated Press headline from June 24. 

Local news stations NBC Dallas-Fort Worth, ABC San Antonio, and NBC Houston also piled on the Rangers by republishing variations of the AP article. But their audiences on X were quick to correct them, flooding the replies with support for the Rangers.

“I have never been more proud to be a 10th generation Texan,” commented user “Dallas Alice.”

“The Rangers better be careful or they might risk selling fewer tickets to… checks notes… double-checks… yes, LGBTQ+ advocates?” wrote X user Dan Edmonson. 

Former Rangers pitcher Derek Holland also spoke out in support of the team. Responding to yet another hit piece from ABC Dallas criticizing the team for being the “only” one without a “pride night,” Holland posted a meme of the team’s mascot with a caption reading, “That’s a Rangers win.”

Holland further explained his reasoning

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