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Cruz Opponent Claims He Doesn’t Want Boys In Girls’ Sports, But He Backed Law Making It A Civil Right



In an eleventh-hour campaign ad, Rep. Colin Allred, D-Texas, attempted to distance himself from transgender ideology by claiming that he does not support boys competing against girls in sports, an assertion disproven by his voting record.

Allred is challenging Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, for his Senate seat, but is behind by about 5 points, according to polling from early October. In response to ads run by the Cruz campaign criticizing Allred on his record supporting the far-left transgender agenda, the Dallas-area Democrat ran an ad claiming, against all evidence, that he does not.

“I’m a dad. I’m also a Christian. My faith has taught me that all kids are God’s kids,” Allred states in his ad. “So let me be clear. I don’t want boys playing girls’ sports, or any of this ridiculous stuff that Ted Cruz is saying.”

Despite that, Allred supported a federal law (the Equality Act) that would force schools to end separate facilities for boys and girls, such as restrooms and locker rooms, as well as make it a civil rights violation not to allow boys to compete against girls in sports. He also voted against a federal law (the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act) that would do the very thing he now claims to support — keep boys out of girls’ sports.

Allred even bragged about using the Equality Act to end protections for women and girls passed by the Texas state legislature in a recording of “The Bulwark” podcast at the

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Report: Communist China’s Spying ‘Expanded Rapidly’ Across 20 States Under Biden And Harris



Chinese Communist Party (CCP) spying in the United States “expanded rapidly” under the Biden-Harris administration’s watch, according to a congressional report released Thursday.

Published by the House Homeland Security Committee’s House Committee On Homeland Security’s Subcommittee On Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, And Intelligence, the assessment details how cases of “CCP-related espionage and acts of transnational repression” have significantly increased since President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took office. The analysis was first reported by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“Beijing has continually encroached upon American sovereignty to spy, intimidate, and harass not only defectors, but even American citizens,” Committee Chair and Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn. said in a statement. “It is important we remain clear-eyed about the threat the CCP poses to the security of the American people so we are prepared to counter its malign influence at every turn.”

According to the report, there have been more than 55 “CCP-related espionage cases in 20 states” from January 2021-October 2024. These have included incidents related to “transmission of sensitive military information to [the People’s Republic of China] PRC,” “stealing of trade secrets to benefit the PRC,” “transnational repression schemes to target PRC dissidents,” and “obstruction of justice.”

As The Federalist previously reported, there have been numerous cases throughout the past year alone in which foreign nationals have attempted to breach U.S. military installations. In March, officials apprehended a Chinese male who was reportedly attempting to gain access to Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center at Twentynine Palms, California.

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CBS Faces ‘News Distortion’ Complaint Amid ’60 Minutes’ Harris Interview Edit Scandal



The “disinformation” police are the real criminals this election, guilty of massaging, distorting, and mangling facts to fit their true agenda — stopping Donald Trump and electing Kamala Harris. 

As Election Day looms, more and more Americans understand that the media outlets once trusted as objective news sources have fractured that faith with routine acts of journalistic malpractice. 

Case in point, the slick editing work CBS News did in a “60 Minutes” interview earlier this month with the vice president, the Democratic Party’s replacement presidential nominee.  

The Oct. 6 episode of the network’s “Face the Nation” used a clip to promote that evening’s “60 Minutes” interview with Harris in which the vice president offered her standard word salad answer to correspondent Bill Whitaker’s question about U.S. policy on Israel and the war in Gaza.  

“We supply Israel with billions of dollars in military aid and yet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seems to be charting his own course,” Whitaker said. “The Biden-Harris administration has pressed him to agree to a ceasefire; he’s resisted. You urged him not to go into Lebanon; he went in anyway. He has promised to make Iran pay for the missile attack, and that has the potential of expanding the war. Does the U.S. have no sway over Prime Minister Netanyahu?”

“Well, Bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by, or a result of, many things, including our

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Kamala Harris’ Foreign Policy Would Make The World More Unstable Than It Already Is



Kamala Harris’ newfound talking point is that Donald Trump is too “unstable” and “unhinged” to lead the United States at home and abroad. While laughable coming from the party that’s covered up Joe Biden’s mental decline for years, Harris’ remarks are even more absurd when one considers how “unstable” and “unhinged” the world has become under the Biden-Harris administration.

Case in point: the Taiwan Strait, where communist China launched a day-long military exercise on Monday simulating a blockade of the island nation. According to U.S. Naval Institute News, Taiwan’s defense ministry reported that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Eastern Theater Command “ordered 125 sorties by aircraft, helicopters and drones near the island.”

The operation followed a speech by Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te on Taiwan’s National Day last week. In his remarks, the president noted that Taiwan and China’s respective governments “are not subordinate to each other” and that the latter “has no right to represent Taiwan.”

China dispatched a record 153 military aircraft near the island on Monday and Tuesday.

While certainly alarming, the latest disturbance in the Taiwan Strait is no longer an anomaly. Rather, it’s a microcosm of the chaos enveloping the globe as a result of the Biden-Harris administration’s reckless foreign policy.

Through a combination of horrific decision-making and sheer weakness, Biden, Harris, and their merry band of nincompoops have turned U.S. foreign policy on its head. America is no longer respected or feared by its greatest adversaries, and the growing conflicts orchestrated by these powers are

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