
Cruz Opponent Claims He Doesn’t Want Boys In Girls’ Sports, But He Backed Law Making It A Civil Right



In an eleventh-hour campaign ad, Rep. Colin Allred, D-Texas, attempted to distance himself from transgender ideology by claiming that he does not support boys competing against girls in sports, an assertion disproven by his voting record.

Allred is challenging Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, for his Senate seat, but is behind by about 5 points, according to polling from early October. In response to ads run by the Cruz campaign criticizing Allred on his record supporting the far-left transgender agenda, the Dallas-area Democrat ran an ad claiming, against all evidence, that he does not.

“I’m a dad. I’m also a Christian. My faith has taught me that all kids are God’s kids,” Allred states in his ad. “So let me be clear. I don’t want boys playing girls’ sports, or any of this ridiculous stuff that Ted Cruz is saying.”

Despite that, Allred supported a federal law (the Equality Act) that would force schools to end separate facilities for boys and girls, such as restrooms and locker rooms, as well as make it a civil rights violation not to allow boys to compete against girls in sports. He also voted against a federal law (the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act) that would do the very thing he now claims to support — keep boys out of girls’ sports.

Allred even bragged about using the Equality Act to end protections for women and girls passed by the Texas state legislature in a recording of “The Bulwark” podcast at the

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