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Abortion Facility Closes In Indiana As AG Pursues Abortionists’ Medical Licenses



Whole Woman’s Health Alliance just became Indiana’s first abortion facility to close following the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson decision last summer.

Since opening its doors in 2019, Whole Women’s Health Alliance (WWHA) in South Bend, Indiana, executed more than 1,100 abortions. The facility still plans to refer callers to other abortion providers and to help pay and coordinate travel for out-of-state abortions but announced on Monday that it will permanently cease personally ending unborn lives immediately due to “politically driven and medically unnecessary abortion restrictions.”

“Whole Woman’s Health has ended the lives of 1000+ preborn [H]oosiers and victimized
thousands of women since opening in 2019,” Voices for Life Executive Director Melanie Garcia
Lyon said in a statement. “This is a victory for human rights in our community.”

Lyon, who is also the Sidewalk Advocates for Life leader for the South Bend chapter, told The Federalist that the closure feels “really surreal” given all of the time her organization spent praying for it to shutter its doors and offering life-affirming resources to pregnant women outside of the facility.

“We’ve been at the facility since it opened in 2019. I was there the first day it opened in June. And we’ve had a very consistent presence at the facility whenever it’s been open we’ve had volunteers there,” she said.

Shortly after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb and the state’s Republican legislators acted swiftly to protect babies in utero except in cases of rape, incest,

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Joe Scarborough Suggests He Was Misled By MSNBC Bosses Over Show Pause, Threatens To Quit



“Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough suggested that executives at MSNBC misled him as to why they wouldn’t air his show Monday, and he threatened to quit if the network did it again.

Scarborough, during his show’s return to the network on Tuesday, told his audience, “Let me just say: next time we’re told there’s going to be a news feed replacing us, we will be in our chairs,” he said. “The news feed will be us, or they can get somebody else to host the show.”

“We were very surprised. We were very disappointed,” said Scarborough.

MSNBC pulled “Morning Joe” from regular programming on Monday following an assassination attempt on former President Trump two days prior. Network executives reportedly suspended the show to prevent potentially inappropriate comments from on-air guests that could negatively impact the show and the network.

“The show was pulled to prevent its dozens of guests from making an inappropriate comment while live that could paint the show and network in a bad light,” CNN’s Oliver Darcy reported.

Scarborough claimed that he and co-host Mika Brzezinski were blindsided and misled. “We were told in no uncertain terms on Sunday evening that there was going to be one news feed across all NBC news channels yesterday,” Scarborough said. “That did not happen.”

Brzezinski, who is Scarborough’s wife, expressed her disappointment and confusion about MSNBC’s decision, saying their show is where people can have “hard conversations in a civil way.”

The pair have become among Biden’s most vocal supporters in the news

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The J.D. Vance Pick Is A Win For Wives Everywhere Begging Their Husbands To Keep The Beard



Upon hearing Monday’s news that Donald Trump had selected Sen. J.D. Vance as his 2024 running mate, commentators and history buffs were quick to notice that the veep choice breaks the longstanding “beard barrier” on American presidential tickets.

Axios reports that Vance would be the first vice president with facial hair since President Herbert Hoover’s running mate Charles Curtis donned the mustache in 1933. Others noted Vance would be the first candidate on a presidential ticket with a full beard since Benjamin Harrison in 1892, although the 1916 Republican presidential nominee Charles Evans Hughes’ facial hair could arguably fall within the “full beard” range. Either way, that’s more than 100 years of clean-shaven statesmen, and women everywhere are rejoicing that the drought of dapperness is over.

While you may occasionally hear women demurring about the facial hair of their significant others, it’s objectively true that a good and well-kept — not patchy, adolescent, or overgrown — beard can transform and elevate a man’s attractiveness, and even his political prospects.

Consider the baby-faced Sen. Ted Cruz in 2016, who was a near-perfect GOP nominee on paper, but not in the mirror (he was often compared to a “blobfish” by internet goblins). After his primary loss to Trump, and his narrow victory over Beto O’Rourke in 2018, Cruz came back from a Thanksgiving recess with “a filled-out salt-and-pepper beard, giving his face a defined jawline and its first-ever hints of ruggedness and affability,” and the senator hasn’t looked back since. I can’t

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Biden’s Team Deliberately Kneecapped Trump’s Security To Allow An Assassination Attempt



Nobody wants to hear this because of the implications, but oh well, because it needs to be said: Joe Biden’s security regime deliberately and with malice and forethought created the conditions that led to an attempted assassin shooting Donald Trump in the head. It is by the grace of God that he lived and our nation is not currently in the midst of a violent civil war.

They deliberately starved Trump’s security team of the resources it needed. And they did it repeatedly, over many weeks and months.

With Trump’s security detail understaffed, under-resourced, and stretched to its limits, Biden’s security regime reportedly diverted even more resources to a hastily planned Jill Biden event that just happened to be in the area.

Biden’s security regime then ordered the most obvious assassination perch in the entire area to remain outside the main security perimeter.

Furthermore, Biden’s Secret Service director ordered law enforcement and counter-snipers OFF the roof the assassin used.

If that weren’t enough, Biden’s security regime also refused to block the line of sight from the assassin’s perch to Trump’s location. When law enforcement radioed in a suspicious person using a laser range finder at the building and even took photos of him, nothing was done to detain the assassin.

The assassin was so obviously a threat that bystanders at the event begged law enforcement to stop him, but nothing happened. And even as snipers on the roof near Trump saw a gunman on the

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