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Kamala Harris’ Favorability Plummets Two Weeks Before Election Day



With Election Day less than two weeks away, Americans are souring on Vice President Kamala Harris in the final stretch of the race for the White House.

According to an aggregate of favorability ratings maintained by RealClearPolitics, the Democrats’ presidential nominee has remained underwater for more than a week with unfavourability scores rising to their highest levels since the party’s August convention. Harris is now entering the last few days of the election with a net-negative favorability rating of more than 2.5 percent as of Friday afternoon.

MSNBC Political Correspondent Steve Kornacki broke down some additional numbers that spell out bad news for Harris as she leads the Democrats’ efforts to maintain her administration. According to the network’s polling, Kornacki said, former President Donald Trump has a negative 6-point “feeling” gap among registered voters. Harris, however, is facing an even wider gap with a 10-point deficit among voters, 49 percent of whom have negative feelings toward the incumbent vice president.

“The significance here is the trajectory of the Harris campaign on this sort of feelings thermometer,” Kornacki said. “When she first entered, she was basically in the same ballpark as Trump on positive/negative. After about six weeks as a candidate, she had actually in our poll moved above water on this question.”

The latest cascade of presidential surveys, however, reveals a tidal shift against Harris, who had already consistently polled behind where President Joe Biden and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were against Trump throughout their respective races.

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Democrats In North Carolina’s Helene Disaster Area Block Emergency Early Voting Locations



The havoc wrought by Hurricane Helene in western North Carolina brought disaster to homes and families, but that has not stopped Democrats from blocking the approval of emergency early voting sites in the heavily Republican area. The refusal to act forced the GOP-led state legislature to intervene.

Democrat-run local elections boards in McDowell and Henderson counties have failed to approve additional early voting sites in the disaster-stricken area, despite increasing calls for more access to voting. Both counties voted for Donald Trump in 2020.

“Ensuring the right to vote is upheld for western NC citizens devastated by Hurricane Helene should be a non-partisan issue,” western North Carolina native Clay McCreary said, according to The Carolina Journal. McReary is North Carolina political director of Restoration of America, an organization that has been advocating for additional voting opportunities in the disaster area. “We simply cannot allow the people of western North Carolina who have lost so much to lose their voice in the political process.”

Meanwhile, Democrats in nearby deep-blue Buncombe County, home to Asheville, have already given the go-ahead for new voting locations to replace the ones damaged by Helene, bringing the county’s total to 10.

Despite being mostly out of the news cycle, destruction in western North Carolina is still extreme, and the area has not yet recovered.

Lawmakers in the Republican-controlled General Assembly are now being forced to compel the two counties to open up more voting locations so that the people affected by Helene are not being disenfranchised

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Report: More Than 300 Registrants Confirm They Shouldn’t Be On Nevada’s Voter Rolls



More than 300 individuals listed on Nevada’s voter rolls confirmed they have moved and should not be on the state’s active voter lists, according to a new report.

The revelation was disclosed in a Friday article authored by Citizen Outreach Foundation (COF) President Chuck Muth, whose Pigpen Project has been spearheading efforts to remove potentially ineligible registrants from the Silver State’s voter registration lists. The group utilizes government data to identify these questionable registrations and works with local election officials to ensure accuracy within the voter roll system.

While often seeking guidance on its challenges from Democrat Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar, the COF has faced roadblocks erected by Nevada’s elections chief and his office. Throughout the past year, the secretary has issued memos to local clerks seemingly aimed at stymying the group’s efforts to ensure the state has clean voter rolls.

The situation came to a head on Aug. 27, when Aguilar’s office issued a directive effectively instructing local election officials to stop processing the COF’s affidavits. This prompted the group to file lawsuits last month that sought to force clerks and registrars to comply with their challenges.

While the suits were withdrawn due to technical issues, Muth told The Federalist earlier this week he intends to re-file them after the 2024 general election.

To further prove the validity of its efforts, Muth detailed in his Friday post how the COF “created [its] own ‘confirmation letter’ and mailed it to a test group that was pulled from

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Wisconsin Republican Mayor Faces Aftermath Of ‘Very Political’ Raid Over Ballot Drop Box



Wausau Mayor Doug Diny had just finished a city directors meeting when he walked into his office to find three law enforcement agents rooting through his possessions. Suffice to say, the mayor was “surprised.” 

But Diny said he knew what this raid was all about. As The Federalist first reported a week ago, Democrat Attorney General Josh Kaul has ratcheted up his nationally watched investigation into the mayor for removing an unsecured absentee ballot drop box from outside city hall. For Diny, it all feels “very political,” an investigation and a raid the Wall Street Journal editorial board has described as “out of proportion to Mr. Diny’s action.”

Diny told the lead state Department of Justice investigator, special agent Mary Van Schoyck, that if the raid squad wanted to talk to him they should first contact his attorney. She showed him a search warrant, signed off by an Eau Claire County judge, and told him to sit down and read it. 

“The whole time they were badgering me to turn my phone over,” Diny told me in a phone interview from his office Thursday evening. He did as he was told, he said but realized he then had no way to call his attorney. The contact was, of course, in his cellphone. 

“She [Van Schoyck] said, ‘Who is your attorney? I’ll Google it for you,’ Diny said. “That part pissed me off. I said, ‘You’re the lead investigator and the right-hand man for Josh Kaul, you don’t know who my

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