
Kamala Harris’ Favorability Plummets Two Weeks Before Election Day



With Election Day less than two weeks away, Americans are souring on Vice President Kamala Harris in the final stretch of the race for the White House.

According to an aggregate of favorability ratings maintained by RealClearPolitics, the Democrats’ presidential nominee has remained underwater for more than a week with unfavourability scores rising to their highest levels since the party’s August convention. Harris is now entering the last few days of the election with a net-negative favorability rating of more than 2.5 percent as of Friday afternoon.

MSNBC Political Correspondent Steve Kornacki broke down some additional numbers that spell out bad news for Harris as she leads the Democrats’ efforts to maintain her administration. According to the network’s polling, Kornacki said, former President Donald Trump has a negative 6-point “feeling” gap among registered voters. Harris, however, is facing an even wider gap with a 10-point deficit among voters, 49 percent of whom have negative feelings toward the incumbent vice president.

“The significance here is the trajectory of the Harris campaign on this sort of feelings thermometer,” Kornacki said. “When she first entered, she was basically in the same ballpark as Trump on positive/negative. After about six weeks as a candidate, she had actually in our poll moved above water on this question.”

The latest cascade of presidential surveys, however, reveals a tidal shift against Harris, who had already consistently polled behind where President Joe Biden and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were against Trump throughout their respective races.

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