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Cruz Opponent Claims He Doesn’t Want Boys In Girls’ Sports, But He Backed Law Making It A Civil Right



In an eleventh-hour campaign ad, Rep. Colin Allred, D-Texas, attempted to distance himself from transgender ideology by claiming that he does not support boys competing against girls in sports, an assertion disproven by his voting record.

Allred is challenging Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, for his Senate seat, but is behind by about 5 points, according to polling from early October. In response to ads run by the Cruz campaign criticizing Allred on his record supporting the far-left transgender agenda, the Dallas-area Democrat ran an ad claiming, against all evidence, that he does not.

“I’m a dad. I’m also a Christian. My faith has taught me that all kids are God’s kids,” Allred states in his ad. “So let me be clear. I don’t want boys playing girls’ sports, or any of this ridiculous stuff that Ted Cruz is saying.”

Despite that, Allred supported a federal law (the Equality Act) that would force schools to end separate facilities for boys and girls, such as restrooms and locker rooms, as well as make it a civil rights violation not to allow boys to compete against girls in sports. He also voted against a federal law (the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act) that would do the very thing he now claims to support — keep boys out of girls’ sports.

Allred even bragged about using the Equality Act to end protections for women and girls passed by the Texas state legislature in a recording of “The Bulwark” podcast at the

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Nevada’s Democrat Senate Candidate Won’t Say Whether She Supports Allowing Men To Compete In Women’s Sports



The issue of trans-identifying males competing in women’s sports is rocking Nevada politics — and Democrat Sen. Jacky Rosen, who’s up for reelection this cycle, is remaining mum on the subject.

The entire saga began earlier this week when the University of Nevada Reno’s (UNR) women’s volleyball team announced it is forfeiting its upcoming Oct. 26 match against San Jose State University (SJSU). The decision was made to protest the allowed participation of SJSU’s Blaire Fleming, a trans-identifying male.

Video of SJSU’s match against San Diego State University last week reportedly shows Fleming spiking the ball in the face of his female opponent. According to the New York Post, the female player “was knocked down after the hit, and the crowd audibly gasped.”

In their statement provided to Outkick, UNR volleyball players demanded their “right to safety and fair competition on the court be upheld,” adding, “We refuse to participate in any match that advances injustice against female athletes.” The team noted the decision was made “in solidarity” with four other collegiate women’s volleyball teams who previously announced plans to forfeit their upcoming matches against San Jose State.

University of Nevada Reno issued a statement a day after receiving the team’s decision, saying the school will “move forward with the match as scheduled” and the players’ choice “does not represent the position of the University.” The college noted, however, that “the players may choose not to participate in the match on the day of the contest” and those who do

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Kamala Calls Trump ‘Weak’ Because She Has No Concept Of Strength, Courage, Or Bravery



Imagine having no political victories independent of an entire political machine and the national media hoisting you up by the ankles, plus being married to a man named “Doug,” who allegedly smacked a woman’s face in public. Then imagine still having the confidence to call Donald Trump, currently under threat of imprisonment and recently almost murdered for the second time, “weak.”

That’s Kamala Harris right now. In recent days, the vice president and her allies have taken to calling Trump “weak,” just three months removed from the iconic moment he took a bullet to the side of his head in front of a crowd, only to stand up, raise his fist and shout, “Fight!”

Shortly before Kamala’s disastrous performance on Fox, her campaign spokesman Ian Sams said in a podcast interview that “Donald Trump’s weak and withdrawn and retreating to his comfort zone.” At a campaign rally in North Carolina, Kamala called him “too weak and unstable.” And in a radio interview, referring to Trump, she said “the man is really quite weak. He’s weak.”

To even slightly grasp the gravitas of the person she’s talking about, Trump:

—won the 2016 election with the national media, all of Hollywood, the Democrat Party, most of the Republican Party, and the Washington intelligence community working against him;

—single-handedly instigated the political realignment of both major political parties, transforming the GOP, across racial lines, into the party of working-class and middle-class Americans;

—beat two Democrat-led impeachments;

—ran for the Republican nomination a third time, won,

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Four Years Ago Today, The NeverTrump Movement Killed Whatever Chance It Had Of Being Taken Seriously



The NeverTrump movement lost whatever credibility it had left four years ago when the campaign’s chief crusaders peddled a far-left hoax that dismissed Hunter Biden’s laptop as a vehicle of foreign interference.

Thursday marks the four-year anniversary of Jonah Goldberg (the founder of a commentary outlet that is home to many NeverTrumpists) writing off the first Hunter Biden laptop stories in the New York Post as election-year conspiracies. On X, then known as Twitter, Goldberg was incredulous that anyone could believe President Joe Biden’s crack-addicted son would forget a laptop at a Delaware repair shop and allow it to fall into the public domain.

“Wait you believe the computer repair shop story? Like at face value?” Goldberg wrote.

Wait you believe the computer repair shop story? Like at face value?

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahDispatch) October 17, 2020

The hard drive was picked up by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who shared a copy with the New York Post. On Oct. 14, 2020, the Post published the first exposé from the laptop, which showed that former Vice President Joe Biden had met with Hunter’s corporate partners, despite the Democrat nominee’s repeated denials of ever speaking about business with his son, “or with anyone else.” Joe Biden had even fat-shamed an Iowa voter during the presidential primary that previous winter when the voter pressed the issue at a town hall.

The New York Post published the second bombshell from the laptop on Oct. 15, 2020. Emails showed Joe Biden

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