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Heartbreaking Stories Of Detransitioners Expose The Damaging Transgender Cult



The Detransition Diaries tackles one of the thorniest and most scandalous medical movements of the 21st century — the pervasive, perverse spread of genitalia mutilation and hormone experimentation in America, protected under the umbrella of “transitioning.” Nurses and bioethics advocates Jennifer Lahl and Kallie Fell undertake a comprehensive and historical study of the movement, highlighting the personal accounts of seven people who were persuaded in, and fought their way out. (The book is also based in part on a documentary by the same name.)

Lahl and Fell describe the cult-like ideology and highly stereotyped “gender” expectations within the movement, the healthy bodies induced into a diseased state with wrong-sex hormones and unnecessary surgeries, the “abysmal” quality of studies affirming the health and safety of “transition treatment,” and the money to be made. They note the connection between mental health and comorbidities with people choosing to “transition,” and the constant, coercive affirmation from doctors and therapists, especially those specializing in wrongly termed “gender care.”

The five women and two men who share firsthand the deception, coercion, and aggressive retaliation targeting detractors within the movement are just a sampling of those who have suffered under the guise of transgender interventions.

Helena’s self-harming, eating disorder, and depression as a young teen led her to online groups encouraging transitioning as the “solution” to almost all mental health struggles. Her school guidance counselor and psychologist encouraged a transgender transition rather than addressing mental health concerns, and her testosterone dose (handed out with minimal instructions at

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Dems Are Consolidating Absolute Power In The Name Of ‘Democracy’



We have now entered the “stage a coup against a sitting president endorsed by primary voters because we don’t think he can win an election” phase of “saving democracy.”

Democrats, through external and internal efforts, are pressuring President Joe Biden to step down from the presidential race. But why is the left only concerned about Biden’s candidacy? Why don’t Democrats acknowledge that if the current president is not fit to run, he’s not fit to be in office at all? It’s because they care less about the wellbeing of the nation and more about how Biden’s 2024 campaign threatens their hold on the executive branch.

Now, in an effort to avoid such a loss, the party wants to tell its primary voters to kick rocks.

But this isn’t the first step Democrats have taken to consolidate their power — er, protect “democracy” — in our Republic.


Democrats have taken a sledgehammer to the First Amendment over the past few years, limiting what information the public can read, listen to, or watch.

After taking office, the Biden administration began a widespread coordination effort with social media companies to “censor posts” that were, as my colleague Shawn Fleetwood explained it, “deemed unfavorable, even if said posts contained factually correct information.”

A lower court judge issued a preliminary injunction last July after Missouri and Louisiana sued the Biden administration, citing an abridgment of the First Amendment. The 5th Circuit later upheld the injunction in September before the Supreme Court gutted the First

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Biden Admin Plans To Kill Hundreds Of Thousands Of Owls In The Name Of ‘Conservation’



The Associated Press reported last week that federal officials are preparing to deploy state-employed hunters to kill nearly half a million owls across the Pacific Northwest in the name of “conservation.”

“U.S. wildlife officials are embracing a contentious plan to deploy trained shooters into dense West Coast forests to kill almost a half-million barred owls that are crowding out their cousins,” the AP reported. “Documents released by the agency show up to about 450,000 barred owls would be shot over three decades after the birds from the eastern U.S. encroached into the West Coast territory of two owls: northern spotted owls and California spotted owls.”

The Fish and Wildlife Service is targeting owls across Oregon, Washington, and California. According to an agency press release, no public hunting of the barred owls will be permitted while the government carries out the mass execution of roughly half a million birds. Only certain indigenous tribes, government agencies, and select companies and landowners will be granted permission to “implement barred owl management” under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

“Barred owl removal, like all invasive species management, is not something the Service takes lightly,” said Service Oregon Office state supervisor Kessina Lee. “The Service has a legal responsibility to do all it can to prevent the extinction of the federally listed northern spotted owl and support its recovery, while also addressing significant threats to California spotted owls.”

“The notion of killing one bird species to save another has divided wildlife advocates and conservationists,” the AP

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Biden’s Debilitation Has Upset The Media-Democrat Partnership, But Not For Much Longer



There’s a debate right now about what the news media were doing before Joe Biden’s walking-dead debate performance versus after: Were they covering for the president? Were they in denial? Were they lying? Are they stupid?

Puffy media person Brian Stelter last week pretended to embark on a fact-finding expedition in search of answers, claiming that “the real story is far more complicated — and more interesting.”

No it’s not.

Democrats and the media work together, savagely, all of the time, and toward the same goal, which is at any moment some variation of “destroy the American middle class and the nuclear family.” Contrary to popular belief, the media don’t slavishly follow the orders of Democrat leaders or work solely to protect them from criticism. That’s only part of the work, and it can rapidly change when the goal is threatened. It’s a mutually beneficial partnership. Democrats give their media cohorts guidance on coverage. Simultaneously, the media steer Democrats with that coverage. So long as they’re all going in the same direction — toward their shared goal — they all get along.

The blackout coverage and cable news dialogue related to Biden’s plainly depleted mental acuity before the debate, followed by an immediate, hysterical week-long news cycle (and still going) on the topic, isn’t complex or something that anyone in Washington is seriously pursuing answers for. Everyone in the White House gets it and so does everyone in the media. They understand the swift change well, and there wouldn’t have been

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