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Welcome To America’s Ungovernable Regime Of Sexual Chaos



Watching movies from the 1940s is like being transported into a different world. Men wear suits, and women wear beautiful skirts or dresses. No obscenity or vulgarity corrupts the scene. Male characters are manly, while female characters are feminine — both for good and for ill. Few people of loose morals earn the glitzy lights. Traditional family life, with male providers and ladies minding the home, is normative. Think “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

Then everything changed.

Joy Pullmann, executive editor of these pages, meticulously catalogues episodes of this revolution in her new book, False Flag: Why Queer Politics Mean the End of America. But her book is more than just a parade of perversities; it shows how today’s queer politics fails in light of the standard found in the theory and practice of America’s founding.

For Pullmann, queer politics is the leading edge of “regime change,” a move from one way of life (as depicted in those old movies) to a new one (where sex is center stage). Generally, that old, straight regime sought to sustain manners that taught people to restrain unbridled sexual urges, which inevitably fizzle out, so they could find happiness in married and family life. The new queer constitution elevates human sexuality as the primary human preoccupation, remaking family life and public virtue in light of sexual obsession. Most people think through their pants.

Yet Pullmann shows that the queer constitution is not simply a spontaneous product of human choice. A sexual state propagates its hard,

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I Read The ‘Project 2025’ Playbook, And I Couldn’t Find A Single White Christian Nationalist Policy



Project 2025, a suggested roadmap for a second Trump Administration pulled together by the Heritage Foundation, is a nearly 1,000-page document written by a bunch of think tankers and right-wing policy experts running the gamut of conservatism.

President Joe Biden says the document “should scare every single American.” Democrats, one strategist told the Washington Post, need to “instill fear in the American people.” Donald Trump and his surrogates are already distancing the candidate from the effort.

So, I decided to read it. Listen, it wasn’t easy. But the chances that Biden, or any other person fearmongering about it, understands what’s in it, is highly doubtful.

For starters, most of the Project 2025 “mandate” is just a compendium of long-held conservative wishes for government.

The Associated Press warns the effort champions a “dramatic expansion of presidential power.” Yet, nothing in Project 2025 is even on par with Biden’s unconstitutional loan “forgiveness” plan. The alleged presidential abuses the media lays out are well within the president’s power. They’re just policies Democrats happen to dislike.

Project 2025, we are warned, suggests the firing of as many as 50,000 federal workers — which is well within the purview of the president. It will never happen, unfortunately.

Project 2025 suggests eliminating the Department of Education and its “woke-dominated system of public schools.” Conservatives have been promising to get rid of the Department of Education since Ronald Reagan first ran for the presidency. It will never happen.

Project 2025 suggests prohibiting the FBI from “fighting

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Democrats Hit Biden With A Slew Of Damning Quotes About His Declining Mental State



Members of the Democrat Party are frantically sounding the alarm following President Joe Biden’s frail first debate performance.

The president is facing mounting calls, both publicly and privately, to step down as the party’s nominee just four months before the election. “The fact is that you know, I wasn’t very smart,” said the 81-year-old president at a fundraiser this week. Biden admitted to donors, “I didn’t listen to my staff, and I came back and I fell asleep on the stage.”

Over a week after the debate, nine House Democrats have openly pressured Biden to remove himself from the ballot. 18 congressional Democrats, including Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., have also questioned whether the current president has the “vigor” to beat Donald Trump.

“I think most people who agree it’s time — an increasing number — are just really hoping to give him space to do this on his own, but we’ll certainly amp up the public pressure as needed,” one House Democrat told Axios.

Democrats have urged Senate and House party leadership to join the effort to remove Biden as the Democratic nominee. In addition, the White House has not made Dr. Kevin C. O’Connor, the president’s physician, available to answer media questions on Biden’s mental state.

Here are some of the most damning quotes from Democrats:

Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas

“Biden has continued to run substantially behind Democratic senators in key states and in most polls has trailed Donald Trump. I had hoped that the debate would provide some momentum

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Top GOPers’ Surrender On Abortion Leaves Their Pro-Life Voters, Women, And Babies Out To Dry



There is a growing coalition of top Republicans who believe endorsing the brutal dismemberment and murder of unborn babies using methods that undoubtedly harm women will win them favors at the ballot box come November. Their false sense of security, which only comes by pretending to take an ill-named “moderate” stance on ending life in the womb, however, does nothing but eat away at their base and what’s left of our nation’s morality.

The Trump campaign worked hard, as The Federalist’s Logan Washburn recently reported, to “gut” the GOP’s pro-life provisions. The move — which effectively resulted in a platform that ditches the thorough pro-life promises of yesteryear in favor of okaying 99 percent of abortions under the guise of a hands-off “state issue” approach — is fairly unsurprising given Trump’s transactional track record on abortion thus far.

What is surprising, however, is how quickly seemingly pro-life Republicans rushed to support the themes of the Trump proposal without blinking an eye about voters’ explicit wishes.

Sen. Marco Rubio suggested to CNN’s Dana Bash over the weekend that where the GOP stands on life should instead “reflect our nominee.”

On abortion, Marco Rubio tells Dana Bash, “I think our platform has to reflect our nominee.”

On the contrary, the Republican Party platform should reflect the values of its voters and their enduring political positions.

That’s what grassroots means.

— Rev. Ben Johnson (@TheRightsWriter) July 7, 2024

Sen. J.D. Vance added to the dogpile on Sunday when he offered a full-fledged

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