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Supreme Court Strikes Blow To Administrative State, Overturns Chevron Doctrine



The Supreme Court curbed the unmitigated power of federal agencies with a new landmark ruling delivered Friday.

In a 6-3 decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, the high court overturned a 40-year precedent that gave federal agencies broad authority to implement regulations under ambiguous language unless Congress had explicitly prohibited such rules. Chief Justice John Roberts, however, writing the majority opinion to overturn the 1984 precedent in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, stated that “Courts must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority.”

The 1984 Chevron doctrine established the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) authority to enforce the Clean Air Act, allowing federal bureaucrats to read their own interpretations into what Congress authorized agencies to do. Justice Roberts wrote that the precedent gave bureaucratic agencies too much power and argued for the judiciary to step in, noting that the “Administrative Procedures Act requires courts to exercise independent judgment.”

“Courts, after all, routinely confront statutory ambiguities in cases having nothing to do with Chevron — cases that do not involve agency interpretations or delegations of authority,” Roberts wrote. “Of course, when faced with a statutory ambiguity in such a case, the ambiguity is not a delegation to anybody, and a court is not somehow relieved of its obligation to independently interpret the statute.”

“Courts in that situation do not throw up their hands because ‘Congress’s instructions have’ supposedly ‘run out,’ leaving a statutory ‘gap,’” the chief justice added. “Courts instead understand

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Politico Reporter Disguises PR For Left-Wing Political Group As Journalism



Does political writer Heidi Przybyla work for Politico or a left-wing group funded by Arabella Advisors? Her recent stories make it hard to tell.

On Tuesday, Przybyla published what conservative radio host Erick Erickson characterized as a “press release” for a group called “Demand Justice.” The story, headlined, “Progressive advocacy group plans $10M offensive targeting Supreme Court,” chronicles the far-left operation’s multi-million-dollar campaign to undermine the last functional institution of the federal government.

“According to plans first shared with POLITICO, the group intends to spend $10 million by the end of this year on a range of activities, from conducting opposition research on potential Supreme Court picks to advocating for ethics reforms for the high court,” Przybyla reported. “It will also work to mobilize key constituencies affected by the court’s decisions, including women and young people, and to call out a network of far-right judicial activists that laid the groundwork for the conservative supermajority on the Supreme Court.”

Left out of Przybyla’s reporting, however, as Erickson noted, “Demand Justice is a part of a multi-billion dollar dark money enterprise of the left called Arabella.”

Arabella is a colossal dark money group funneling anonymous donations to left-wing causes such as efforts to “defund police” and antisemitic protests. Last month, CBS called the group a “dark money juggernaut” with entities promoting “progressive causes, like climate change and marijuana legalization.”

“Lately, they have poured money into state ballot initiatives, particularly where there are competitive Senate or House seats, possibly as a way

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Counting The Most Horrific Crimes Allegedly Committed By Illegals Who Crossed The Border Under Biden’s Watch



Last updated July 2, 2024.

If it wasn’t clear at the beginning of President Joe Biden’s tenure at the White House, which kicked off the largest border invasion this nation has ever seen, it is clear now that every state is a border state suffering from the consequences of unchecked, preventable crimes committed by foreigners.

Since the Democrat took office during fiscal year 2021, aliens illegally residing in the U.S. have been convicted of more than 66,000 crimes, including murder, manslaughter, assault, battery, domestic violence, burglary, robbery, larceny, theft, fraud, driving under the influence, illicit drug possession and trafficking, illegal possession of weaponry, and a slew of sexual offenses like rape.

Before Biden, nearly two-thirds of federal arrests involved border-breaking suspects. Now, after more than 10 million crossings under the Democrat’s catch-and-release regime, Americans have endured close to four calendar years of avoidable heartache because foreign criminals who face little to no scrutiny from border authorities are staying.

Here are some of the most shocking violent offenses allegedly committed by illegal border crossers under Biden’s watch.

June 2024 Murder Of 12-Year-Old Houston Girl

Illegal border crosser roommates Johan Jose Martinez-Rangel, 21, and Franklin Jose Peña Ramos, 26, allegedly bound, assaulted for hours, and murdered 12-year-old Houston resident Jocelyn Nungaray under a bridge before tossing her body in a nearby bayou on June 16, 2024.

Both were caught separately crossing the border near El Paso earlier this year and issued ankle monitors, one of which was prematurely cut by Peña, after federal authorities determined they did not

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How Biden’s Mental Decline Went From ‘Misinformation’ To Fact In A Week



On CNN today, Carl Bernstein, of Watergate fame, reports that people close to Joe Biden —people “who loved him, have supported him, and among them are some people who would raise a lot of money for him” — say his disastrous debate performance wasn’t a “one-off.” There have been, according to these insiders, “15, 20 occasions in the last year and a half when the president has appeared somewhat as he did in that horror show that we witnessed.”

Yeah, we know. All of us saw the horror show in a bunch of videos you hacks kept telling us was “misinformation.”

Last month, Dem apparatchik Oliver Darcy attacked the “glaring problems” of a well-sourced Wall Street Journal piece detailing a litany of Biden’s slips. Not long before the first presidential debate, CNN ran another piece headlined, “Right-wing media outlets use deceptively cropped video to misleadingly claim Biden wandered off at G7 summit.”

Why didn’t Bernstein speak up?

Before the debate, NBC News senior politics reporter Alex Seitz-Wald ran an article headlined, “Misleading GOP videos of Biden are going viral. The fact-checks have trouble keeping up.” In it, Seitz-Wald regurgitates most of the White House’s transparently ridiculous talking points about videos that accurately illustrated Biden’s mental and physical decline.

On the same day, David Ingram of NBC News — a network that doesn’t get nearly enough credit for its hackery — published a piece headlined, “The deceptive Biden G7 video was quickly debunked, but it kept going viral anyway.” Full-court press.

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