
You Won’t Believe The Leftist Nonsense Public School Teachers Inject Into Your Kid’s Brain



The reason students on college campuses have lunged toward the proverbial leftist cliff is readily found in America’s K-12 public school classrooms, where teachers are politically grooming students, usually with the consent of school and district administrators.

Earlier this year, a middle school social studies teacher in Seattle Public Schools, Ann Christianson, encouraged her students to write hate messages to Moms for Liberty. In an envelope with the return address listed as Seattle Public Schools headquarters, Christianson mailed her students’ letters with a message of her own: “Dear Moms for Liberty,” she wrote, “Please read the enclosed cards from concerned middle school students in Seattle.”

These young children’s messages included, “Gay is slay. Stop being a rat,” and “LGBTQ+ rights are human rights.”

A representative from Seattle Public Schools tried to abdicate the district’s responsibility by stating that the Moms for Liberty letters were part of “an independent activity and not part of the school curriculum.” The representative did not indicate whether or not the teacher had been disciplined for her inappropriate assignment.

Aside from the social-emotional lessons and critical race theory embedded in standard public school curricula and the transgender flags and safe-space signs adorning the hallways and classrooms in schools across the country, teachers like Christianson are brainwashing America’s children without any form of recourse from public school administrators.

Teachers Get Political

Maintaining close communication with our children about what they are learning in their classrooms has never been more important.

Public schools in Fairfax County, Virginia, located just outside our nation’s capital, have an oversupply of rogue teachers engaging in their own polemic monologues and

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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