
You Might Be Living In A Banana Republic If…



So you woke up in a banana republic. 

Welcome to the brave new world that is the Democrat Party’s Divided States of America. Where the people in power politically weaponize the institutions so dear to the preservation and promotion of representative democracy to hunt down and imprison their political enemies. Where kangaroo courts led by highly partisan judges host show trials to convict blind justice. Where Big Tech and corporate media oligarchs tell you what — and what not — to believe about the accusers and the accused.

Republic if you can keep it, Ben Franklin? What you and your fellow founders wrought has suddenly and sadly slipped into a banana republic. 

But how can we be sure? The good Marxists at MSNBC inform us that Republicans have “responded to former President Donald Trump’s felony conviction with hysterics.” They insist that associating the term “banana republic” with the judiciously twisted guilty verdict handed down by a Trump-hating Manhattan jury is “deeply flawed.” The same apparently goes for the multiple other flailing attempts by President Joe Biden’s Justice Department and prosecutor allies to remove their political threat from the presidential race — and society. And if you believe your leaders are governing the most prosperous nation on the planet like a third world country, Biden and his accomplice media allies want you to know that you are a threat to democracy.

“It’s reckless, it’s dangerous, it’s irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don’t like the verdict,”

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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