
You Don’t Have To Be A Tradwife To Fight In The Culture War



The culture war is here and it is real. Everyone who drinks beer or shops at Target knows this, but not everyone knows how to fight, or where to aim fire. Our government, our schools, and our families are smoldering in the wreckage. What do we do now? What weapons do we have? Can somebody write down some instructions?

Peachy Keenan’s new book, Domestic Extremist: A Practical Guide to Winning the Culture War, is exactly that: an instruction manual. She’s certainly not the first or even the most recent anti-feminist writer to take part in the growing swell of literature addressing the decades of women’s regret, unhappiness, bad sex, and childlessness caused by the feminist movement, but she is the quickest to offer a precise counter-attack. Mary Harrington’s Feminism Against Progress and Mary Eberstadt’s Adam and Eve After the Pill, Revisited are two other thoughtful books released within months of Keenan’s that aid in laying out what an utter disaster the sexual revolution has been for both women and men.

But Keenan’s version stands apart in its accessibility, practicality, and ability to maintain a sense of humor about what is otherwise a rather grim situation, considering plummeting marriage and birth rates across Western countries. If we are all passengers on this aircraft that is our present dystopia hurtling toward a fatal crash, Domestic Extremist is the safety instruction brochure stuffed into the back of the seat pocket, except without the pictures, and much more entertaining.

Prairie Dress Not Required

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