
Yes, Kamala Harris Is A Communist



Kamala Harris is a communist. That’s not an opinion. She has unwittingly admitted this on video more than once. We begin with this example:

After watching this clip, it’s obvious that Harris outflanks Bernie Sanders to his left, something not to be overlooked considering Sanders is a self-avowed socialist (the fact that Sanders uses the oxymoron “democratic socialist” to describe himself is not relevant).

Through “equity,” Harris believes everyone can “end up in the same place.” Communism distilled to its most fundamental principle is the pursuit of equality of outcome through central planning. Some might suggest I am putting words in Harris’ mouth, but that excuse is either obtuse or ignorant. Would Harris describe her belief system as communism? Of course not, but so what? The arbitrary and flattering labels people apply to themselves are meaningless. Your belief system is defined by its ideas.

If someone running for office intends to murder you for no good reason as soon as he’s elected, but he calls himself the Peaceful Unicorn, which part is more relevant — the fact that he’s going to murder you, or the name he picked for himself? In this same vein, the label Harris might give to her belief system is immaterial. Harris stating that “people need more so we all end up in the same place” and the phrase “I am a communist” represent a distinction without a difference. Both phrases mean the exact same thing.

It is, of course, impossible for everyone to end

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