
Yes, Israel Is Now A Partisan Issue



“To make Israel a partisan issue only hurts Israel and the US-Israeli relationship,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer had the temerity to say only days after demanding the Jewish state’s duly elected government be toppled.

Schumer was responding to Donald Trump’s hyperbolic contention that Jews who vote for Democrats “hate Israel” and their religion. And to be fair, Trump isn’t exactly right.

Some progressive Jews hate Israel — for all the reasons socialists hate the United States. Others hate their faith, which is why they’re constantly creating bogus denominations of Judaism based more on leftist rites than any Jewish culture or theology. Other Jews, sadly, are far too comfortable wallowing in generational victimhood to support a strong Jewish state. Many others simply don’t care.

Schumer, though, doesn’t hate his religion. He’s a devout practitioner. Israel is being offered up as a sacrifice to the partisan gods. And, as the Democrat Party moves further to the left, and progressivism becomes the ideological hinge on which all issues turn, it will become increasingly antagonistic toward the Jewish state.

Even nominally pro-Israel Democrats have now adopted a vile both-sideism meant to placate the pro-Hamas left. When Schumer demanded Israel dissipate its elected government on the floor of the Senate, he also made morally reprehensible comparisons between right-wing “extremists” in Israel and the Palestinians who sexually torture, murder, and kidnap women and children.

In functional terms, Schumer is on the side of the Hamas boosters in Dearborn and Islamist regimes. So pardon me if

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