
Yes, Foreign Nationals Have Voted In U.S. Elections — And Many More Could This Year



The leftist election integrity deniers at the Brennan Center for Justice will tell you that “noncitizens are not voting in federal or state elections.” They are wrong. So are the like-minded leftists at Time Magazine, who in 2017 arrogantly and falsely claimed, “Donald Trump is Wrong — Noncitzens Don’t Vote.”

Some do. They’re not allowed to vote in federal elections. It’s a felony. But they have  — in red states, blue states, and purple states. With the flood of illegal immigrants that has poured into the United States on the Biden-Harris administration’s watch, there are more foreign nationals showing up on the nation’s voter rolls. That means there will be more opportunities for noncitizens to slip through the Maginot Line of U.S. election security. 

It’s happening enough that the left’s messaging has been, let’s just say, nuanced of late. 

“We have seen the change of rhetoric from the left. From, ‘There are no cases’ to, ‘It’s so rare,’” Wisconsin state Sen. Dan Knodl, who has raised red flags about potentially thousands of noncitizens on the Badger State’s voter rolls, recently told me. “The prosecutions have proven that it’s certainly not nonexistent.” 

As Knodl and others note, however, the real rarity is law enforcement investigation and prosecution of voter fraud allegations, particularly incidents of foreign nationals casting ballots. So a true gauge of the problem is anything but definitive, despite what the usual suspects at the Associated Press and other members of the accomplice media feverishly insist. 

It’s No Myth


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