
Yes, Democrats And Their Propaganda Media Support Late-Term Abortion And Infanticide



Media outlets have continued to litigate one of the more outrageous portions of the recent “debate” between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. It occurred when ABC’s so-called moderator Linsey Davis shamelessly framed the abortion issue to protect Harris from any suggestion that she approves of legalized infanticide. When Trump said he is against late-term abortion, Davis proceeded to “fact-check” him by claiming “there’s no state in this country where it’s legal to kill a baby after it’s born.”

Ever since, media outlets from The Guardian to MSNBC have continued to issue “fact checks” and outraged opinion articles backing up Davis’ claim and denying Trump’s, calling it the “post-birth abortion lie” and claiming “there is no state in the US where it is ‘OK’ to kill a baby after it is born.”

First off, that’s disingenuous and false. Seven U.S. states allow abortion until birth, with no restrictions, and 14 allow it for the sake of the mother’s “health,” which can include mental health. In Minnesota, eight babies are recorded as being left to die outside the womb after failed abortions in just 2021 alone, until Gov. Tim Walz removed that reporting requirement. Minnesota is not the only state that fails to record or protect children left to die after birth in such circumstances.

Second, radical Democrats used to see a difference between abortion and infanticide. Third, and maybe even most importantly, this sheltering of Harris obscures the fact that Harris’ policy positions are clearly in line

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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