
Yes, Biden Has Worked Tirelessly To ‘Shame,’ ‘Silence,’ And ‘Demoralize’ Faithful Christians



“The left is trying to shame Christians, to silence you, demoralize you, and keep you out of politics. But Christians cannot afford to sit on the sidelines in this fight. … Ultimately, the radical left is coming after all of us, because they know that our allegiance is not to them — our allegiance is to our country and to our Creator.”

The remarks from former President Donald Trump during the National Religious Broadcasters Convention on Thursday will likely generate scoffs and eye rolls from members of America’s corrupt media. But for millions of faithful Christians throughout the country, the former president’s comments contain bold truths the left will brush aside as “conspiracy theories.” That is, since taking office, President Joe Biden and his regime apparatchiks are hellbent on persecuting conservative Christians who defy their extremist agenda.

Weaponization of Government

Despite casting himself as a devoted Catholic, Biden has presided over what has arguably been the most antagonistic administration toward faithful Christians in the modern era.

In January 2023, for example, the FBI issued a memo revealing that the agency’s field office in Richmond, Virginia, was tasked with investigating the alleged threat of “white supremacy” among Catholics who attend Latin Mass. As Evita Duffy-Alfonso previously wrote in these pages, the memo said the FBI “may potentially mitigate” the supposed “threat” of “Radical-Traditionalist Catholics” with “’tripwire and source development,’ which means further infiltration into Catholic communities using various kinds of informants.”

While FBI Director Christopher Wray claimed during congressional testimony that

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