
Wyoming GOP Gov. Removes Doctor From State Board For Opposing Transing Children



Wyoming radiologist Eric Cubin petitioned the federal court in Cheyenne last week to reinstate him to Wyoming’s Board of Medicine.

Cubin was appointed to the board, which oversees the licensing and regulations of the medical profession, by Republican Gov. Mark Gordon in 2023 and reappointed to another four-year term last March. Only weeks after his reappointment, the governor’s chief of staff notified him by telephone that the governor had removed him from the board. After hanging up, he received a letter from the governor, via email, that confirmed his removal and stated its cause.

Gordon wrote, “I have been made aware of your email to the members of the House of Representatives during this last legislative session regarding SF0099 in which you strongly encouraged the members to pass this legislation and criticized the Wyoming Medical Society’s opposition to this bill.”

SF0099 was originally named Chloe’s Law after Chloe Cole, a woman who was given hormone blockers and testosterone at the age of 13 and underwent a mastectomy at 15. The bill prohibits physicians and health care providers in Wyoming from performing surgeries and prescribing drugs to minor children “for the purposes of transitioning a child’s biological sex.”

While overwhelmingly supported by the public and passed by the legislature, Chloe’s Law was vehemently opposed by the Wyoming Medical Society (WMS), a lobbying group that carries a lot of clout in Cheyenne.

Questioning a Medical Society

Cubin, himself a member of the WMS, questioned whether the doctor’s organization was fairly representing its

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