
Women Can’t Achieve Equity Until They’re Equally Represented On Every Garbage Truck And Telephone Pole



Garbageman. Fireman. Doorman. Lineman. These titles have largely remained untouched when it comes to the suffix attached to them. No one talks about garbagewomen or linepersons, and for good reason. Unlike the white-collar professions that women typically go for, these fields are still dominated by men.

According to job-seeker website Zippia, 95 percent of garbagemen are men. When it comes to firemen, women get slightly better representation, with men filling only 82 percent of positions. Women hold 4 percent of doormen roles. Only 5 percent of linemen aren’t men. This is an injustice that must be remedied if we are to achieve true equity as a society.

The white-collar world has led the way on this issue, even if the business world still needs to do the work. Women hold 41 percent of management roles. Twenty-eight percent of C-suite positions are occupied by women. Obviously, both can be improved. In that realm, though, there are digital tools management can use to help them find the “right” candidates when they’re trying to achieve the sex quotas that they totally aren’t trying to achieve. Businesses would never subvert the law in the name of social justice, after all.

When it comes to the aforementioned service jobs, though, stronger tactics are required. There is something about those physical jobs, ones that are often dangerous and dirty, that is preventing the fairer of the sexes from applying. It’s especially concerning as the female of the species is deadlier than the male. There is absolutely

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