
With Lawfare Case In Shambles, Jack Smith Airs His Trump Hatred In ‘Unusual’ 165-Page Filing



With his lawfare efforts collapsing, Special Counsel Jack Smith seized on what Politico described as his “last chance before Election Day” to submit a 165-page filing smearing former President Donald Trump. Unsealed Wednesday, the filing serves no real purpose except to create fodder for Democrats ahead of the election.

Judge Tanya Chutkan made Smith’s 165-page filing public on Wednesday, just days after she granted Smith’s request to file the “oversized” brief. Filings, per ABC News, “are normally limited to 45 pages.”

The filing alleges that Trump and his “co-conspirators’” made “knowingly false claims of election fraud,” which were then used in “furtherance of three conspiracies.” Allegedly, the “conspiracies” include “a conspiracy to interfere with the federal government function by which the nation collects and counts election results … a conspiracy to obstruct the official proceeding in which Congress certifies the legitimate results of the presidential election … and a conspiracy against the rights of millions of Americans to vote and have their votes counted.”

The crux of Smith’s filing is that Trump used “false claims of election fraud to disrupt the electoral process.”

CNN senior legal analyst Elie Honig said, “There are a couple of unusual things about the way this happened.”

“So first of all, ordinarily when it comes time for motions, the defense goes first,” Honig said. “Here, Jack Smith said a few weeks ago, ‘Judge Chutkan, we want to go first.’ And Judge Chutkan actually said, ‘Well, that’s quite unusual,’ but she let them go first. And

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