
With Biden In Mental Decline, How Do You Solve A Problem Like Kamala Harris?



With yesterday’s special counsel report providing independent confirmation that Joe Biden is probably senile, we need to do something very painful that the Biden campaign and our compliant political press don’t want to do: Have a forthright conversation about Kamala Harris.

Last weekend, NBC News put out a poll that set off klaxons among Democrats. Trump is leading Biden by five points in NBC’s poll, and, more generally, the 2024 general election polls thus far show Trump consistently winning. This is a marked reversal from 2020, where the polls showed Biden with a 7-point lead heading into an election he barely edged out an electoral college victory by 40,000 or so votes.

Now, there are a number of obvious reasons why Biden is flailing this time around. The NBC poll notes Trump has a 20-point advantage on the economy, a 30-point advantage on immigration and border security, and a 16-point advantage on “being competent and effective.” (Democrats are probably pretty despondent to consider he’s being walloped on that last metric by President Covfefe.)

But when you look at Biden’s approval rating in the poll, something else jumps out. Biden’s approval rating – 36 percent approve, 54 percent disapprove of the job he’s doing as president – is absolutely terrible for an incumbent president during an election year. But the NBC poll offers up the approval ratings of all the major candidates, and it turns out Biden doesn’t have the lowest approval rating in the White House. That belongs to Kamala

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