
Wisconsin Lawmakers Threaten ‘Power Of The Purse’ Against County Set To Become ‘Sanctuary’ For Trans Child Abuse  



Dane County, Wisconsin’s second-most populous county that includes the capital city of Madison, is set to pass a resolution that will make the area a “sanctuary for trans and nonbinary individuals.” The Federalist spoke with a handful of Wisconsin state representatives who are threatening to use “the power of the purse” against the county if the resolution passes.

The resolution says that if the state passes any legislation to protect children from chemically castrating wrong-sex hormones, puberty blockers, or mutilative surgeries, the Dane County sheriff is urged to make enforcement of such laws his “lowest priority.” According to the resolution, access to wrongly termed “gender-affirming” drugs and surgeries is a “fundamental right” for everyone, including children. 

While the resolution explicitly urges law enforcement to look the other way for cases of genital mutilation and chemical castration, even among children, it also implies that other damaging aspects of the trans agenda should be codified in Dane County. 

The proposed document states that Dane County “vigorously opposes measures that would allow legal violence toward trans people” by limiting their “expression.” Some examples of limits on so-called trans expression include bills that stop people from using opposite-sex bathrooms and locker rooms, protect the integrity of female sports by preventing the infiltration of males, limit LGBT books with pornographic content, and stop children from being subjected to sexual drag performances. 

“The state of Wisconsin taxpayers provides funding to support Dane County, its municipalities, and its school districts,” state Rep. Scott Allen told The Federalist. “As long

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