
Wisconsin Congressman Wants Answers On Madison’s 2,200 Duplicate Ballots



Here we go again. Another presidential election season and more ballot controversy in swing state Wisconsin’s far-left capital city. 

U.S. Rep. Tom Tiffany, R-Wis., wants answers from Madison City Clerk Maribeth Witzel-Behl as to how more than 2,200 voters in the leftist enclave were recently sent duplicate absentee ballots. The city clerk’s office issued a statement earlier this week that it is “rectifying a data processing error.” A spokesman for the city told The Federalist the situation has been resolved and there are “safeguards” in place to prevent double voting. The clerk’s office also released an apology to the individuals affected.  

While Madison elections officials say the problem affected “only an isolated number of voters” and was “quickly caught” and remedied, word of the “error” comes as election integrity advocates raise concerns about a repeat performance of the 2020 election in the battleground Badger State. Wisconsin election regulators and Democrat-led cities like Madison defied election laws and caused myriad election integrity concerns in delivering decisive votes for Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, who claimed victory over then-President Donald Trump in Wisconsin by less than 21,000 votes. 

“Given the history of controversial and legally dubious election practices carried out by Madison officials in the past — and your own personal history as an operative for the left-wing, ‘Zuckerbucks’ financed Center for Tech and Civic Life — I don’t have to tell you how important it is for the city to provide full transparency regarding how an ‘error’ of this magnitude

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