
Why TikTok Feminists Lost The Transgender Fight Before It Even Started  



Conservatives have been sounding the alarm bells for years now, warning that the denial of the natural sex binary would have devastating cultural ramifications, particularly for women. We were right. Men have invaded female spaces, taking away scholarships, awards, and opportunities from real women. 

More importantly, it has put women’s and girls’ safety on the line. No longer can females peacefully use a locker room or bathroom with the assurance that predatory men won’t be allowed inside. Sorority girls are forced to live with disturbed and perverted men, and female prisoners are having abortifacient drugs distributed to them because they’re being raped and impregnated by “female-identifying” male inmates. 

A growing number of female leftists are realizing that the transgender movement hurts women. Droves of young and progressive feminists are taking to TikTok to join the older generation of so-called “TERFS” (trans-exclusionary radical feminists), such as J.K. Rowling and Germaine Greer, decrying what they rightfully perceive as female erasure.

These younger feminists naturally take a page out of the only playbook they know. Victimhood and name-calling are their weapon of choice. 

In one video, TikToker Angelene Fratto prefaces by identifying as an “LGBTQ community ally,” who has “many gay people in her family,” including a transgender sibling (as if that will somehow protect her from being labeled a transphobe). Fratto states that she does not want the phrases “chestfeeding” or “birthing person” applied to her. However, she will use that delusional terminology for others if they ask her to. Essentially, Fratto weakly tries to defend femininity while massively

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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