
Why Taiwan Getting Caught In A Proxy War Would Be An Epic U.S. Failure



Many signs have recently emerged in China — including a housing bubble, mounting debts, deflation, shrinking exports, foreign investment fleeing, demographic issues, and youth unemployment soaring — that clearly indicate that leader Xi Jinping’s regime is facing unprecedented challenges that are undeniable but difficult to tackle. Will China stop or postpone the process of reunification of Taiwan under these circumstances?

Ample evidence, including China’s military preparation, reorganization of the military system, and newly promulgated domestic law and policy, suggest Taiwan is being pushed to the brink of a proxy war, with the U.S. vying for influence in the Indo-Pacific region to maintain its global dominance, while China is determined to establish its dominance in the same region. From the Chinese perspective in the current global context, the sooner China unifies with Taiwan the better. It is urgent for the United States to avert the nightmarish scenario of Taiwan becoming entangled in a proxy war. Failing to achieve this objective would undoubtedly mark a colossal U.S. failure and produce a consequence much worse than 50 years ago, when other China challenges arose.

Half a century ago, the Nixon administration began to utilize the “China card” to counter the former Soviet Union and made a significant shift in U.S. foreign policy toward China, reflected in the three communiqués. Although these documents aimed to address various Taiwan issues while improving U.S.-China relations, the two governments had divergent interpretations and implementations of the three communiqués. These unresolved disputes persist to this day and could

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