
Why Non-Christians Should Care About The Olympics Drag Show



The opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics were deeply offensive to Christians around the world. Numerous people from across the denominational spectrum have described this event as blasphemous and even demonic.

However, I would like to say something to the non-Christians who may be uneasy about the opening ceremonies but cannot quite explain why. Perhaps the opening ceremony bothers you, but you’re not quite ready to align yourself with its Christian critics.

Let me help you with this. The group of people who created this spectacle betrayed the trust that was placed in them. They were given responsibility for an event that should have honored the athletes and the pursuit of excellence. Instead, they used it to put themselves and their agenda at the center of attention. And their conduct creates doubt about some cherished assumptions of the modern secular world.

Pathological Narcissism on Display

Let’s start by giving a moment’s thought to the athletes. These world-class athletes have spent years preparing for the opportunity to compete in the Olympics. The athletes deserve to be honored for their dedication and pursuit of excellence. Instead, these men and women who are talented and self-disciplined were upstaged by men and women who are neither.

You don’t need to be a Christian to see that something is seriously wrong with this picture.

We’ve all been told that we are supposed to tolerate and even honor the type of people who created this spectacle. Gay people are oppressed victims, after all. They were born

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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