
Why It’s Terrifying That China’s Nuclear Capabilities Have Lapped The United States 



Last week, China announced the opening of 12 nuclear research facilities to scientists around the globe. Hiding under the cloak of cooperation, however, is a more concerning trend: China is charging ahead in the race for nuclear energy, and without decisive action from the U.S., particularly from Republican leaders, America risks falling behind.

It is no secret that America is losing its edge in the race for nuclear energy. While the United States has been lagging in nuclear development, China has surged ahead. Nuclear power isn’t just another energy source; it’s critical to long-term energy security, and it’s becoming a focal point of global power dynamics.

China’s success is no accident. Nuclear energy is an incredibly powerful and nonpolluting technology, capable of sustained power generation that is efficient and reliable, and the CCP declared it a national priority to develop nuclear technology.

This pursuit has proven fruitful for China. Currently, its academic output on nuclear technology ranks first in the world. Not only has it built the world’s first high-tech fourth-generation nuclear reactor but China also leads in the deployment of newer, small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs), and it is greatly outspending and outpacing the U.S. in the development of nuclear fusion technology.

All of these impressive feats have resulted in what analysts estimate is a 10- to 15-year lead over the U.S. in the deployment of nuclear technology. Indeed, MIT professor of nuclear engineering Jacopo Buongiorno said, “China is the de facto world leader in nuclear technology.”

If the U.S.

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