
Why Is The Biden Administration Ignoring The Atrocities In Nigeria?



While many people around the world were pleasantly enjoying their Christmas Eve, nearly 300 sleeping villagers in Plateau State, Nigeria, were reportedly massacred by Muslim terrorists. As with most terrorist attacks against Christians in the country, this atrocity received only minimal attention from the rest of the world. 

Yet the Biden administration just can’t bring itself to see a problem here, refusing to put Nigeria on the list of Countries of Particular Concern (CPC). Despite experiencing terrorist atrocities for over a decade — Boko Haram launched an almost identical attack on Nigerian villages during Christmas Eve three years ago — this somehow doesn’t merit concern from an American government that has granted close to $1 billion in foreign aid annually for the past five years. 

What’s more, Nigeria’s last two presidents tacitly encouraged this terrorism by taking all this aid while doing nothing to protect their Christian population. But this also does not seem to bother anyone. Maybe this would be different if the presidents were Christian and the terrorized minority were Muslim, as was the case in Bosnia in the ’90s. 

Somehow, the Biden administration’s indifference is even worse than the last Democrat in office, Barack Obama. During Obama’s presidency, the violent attacks on innocent Christians in Nigeria triggered a social media awareness campaign. Who can forget Michelle Obama frowning for the camera as she held a “#BringBackOurGirls” sign, right after Boko Haram kidnapped more than 200 Nigerian girls? True, the awareness campaign achieved nothing — Boko Haram is

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