
Why Is The Biden Admin Demanding Israel Negotiate A Cease-Fire But Not Ukraine?



Following the slaughter of hundreds of innocent Israelis at the hands of Hamas terrorists this past weekend, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken called for a cease-fire to hostilities as the world’s lone Jewish state began launching its counterattack.

In a post published on Sunday evening, Blinken informed his X (formerly Twitter) followers that he spoke with the foreign minister of Turkey regarding Hamas’ onslaught against Israel. In the post, the U.S.’ leading diplomat stated that he encouraged Turkey to advocate for “a cease-fire,” as well as “the release of all hostages held” by Hamas — an Iranian-backed terrorist organization — “immediately.”

The now-unavailable post was shared “just as Israel began responding” to Hamas’ Saturday attacks, according to the New York Post.

[RELATED: Israel Must Eradicate Hamas And Accept Nothing Less Than Unconditional Surrender]

Blinken’s tweet was not the first instance in which the Biden administration openly pressured Israeli leadership to avoid militarily responding to what has arguably been the worst terrorist attack in their nation’s history. Hours after Hamas started slaughtering innocent Israeli civilians, the U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs tweeted, “We urge all sides [emphasis added] to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks. Terror and violence solve nothing.”

When pressed by The Washington Free Beacon on the office’s deletion of the tweet, the State Department claimed in a statement that the post “was not approved and does not represent U.S. policy.” It’s worth highlighting that Blinken’s tweet encouraging Turkey to advocate for a cease-fire was published a day after

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