
Why Are People In Denial That Urban America Is A Dystopian Hellscape?



Increasingly, the news is dominated by urban crime and other catastrophes in America’s cities. Several large cities, and notably every major city on the West Coast, are deeply unsafe, and this should be a source of national shame. There’s a constant flurry of eye-popping news in this regard, yet it’s nearly always followed by a chorus of Democratic politicians and leftist urbanites telling you not to believe your lying eyes.

We recently learned that some band of supergeniuses tried to break into the SUV ferrying President Biden’s granddaughter around, causing her Secret Service detail to open fire on the streets of D.C. Naomi Biden wasn’t in the car at the time, but the idea that in the nation’s capital, the president’s own relatives aren’t safe from violent criminals should be pretty terrifying to ordinary citizens. Moreover, there have been 866 carjackings in the nation’s capital this year, a 103 percent increase over last year, and last year’s number was a massive increase over pre-pandemic carjacking numbers. D.C. now instructs drivers to never roll down their windows or stop to help anyone on the road, and the carjackings are prominently related to a spike in juvenile crime in a city where 70 percent of all high schoolers are reportedly chronically absent. Overall, violent crime is up roughly 40 percent this year in the nation’s capital.

A homeless encampment started a fire under an overpass in L.A., which was also being used for wooden pallet storage as part of an

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