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Why Aggravation Is A Valuable Business Tool



In order to run a good business, you have to think like the consumer of said business. No one constructs a cinema, for example, without thinking about viewing angles, the ease by which to find seats, and what refreshments would be most popular for an audience buying their ticket and snacks.

But of course, it’s not just positives that drive business decision-making. It’s also what we’re trying to avoid. As such, going through like as a consumer, service-user, client and customer is valuable, especially if you focus on what annoys you. That level of aggravation might not seem like an enjoyable experience, and it’s true. Of course, you shouldn’t hyper-fixate on every issue, some negatives can be considered good in a way. For example, most people implicitly understand that waiting for their meal in a restaurant is part of the experience, not an annoyance of wasted time.

So, how can you leverage aggravation as a useful tool for planning your business? In this post, we hope to explore three stark examples:

Payment Issues

One of the most frustrating experiences for any customer is dealing with payment issues. After all, deciding to use a business is the ultimate achievement from a company’s point of view, and so any friction from that point on is usually negative unless implemented for security reasons.

A convoluted checkout process, hidden fees, or declined transactions are incredibly annoying, and these hiccups can quickly turn a pleasant shopping experience into a nightmare. As a business owner, it’s

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States Where You Can Go to Jail for Debt




Having an unpaid debt comes with multiple consequences. Besides drops in your credit scores and various financial implications, lenders and debt collection agencies may threaten you with jail time. But is it really possible to get to prison because of your unpaid debt? As it turns out, not really. At least you won’t face arrest or jail for simply owing a credit card or medical debt.

However, a creditor can start a lawsuit against you if you fail to pay your financial obligations. As a result, a court can send you to jail not for your unpaid debt itself but for a debt-related offense.

Implications you can face depend on your debt type and state of residence. Rules in Florida will differ from those provided for Oklahoma residents. Read on to learn more about the states where you can go to jail for debt, along with the circumstances that can lead to arrest.

Can You Go to Jail for Not Paying Debt?

Let’s make it clear: you can’t go to jail for simply owing the debt. By threatening jail time, debt collectors and creditors violate the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. According to federal and state consumer collection laws, such practices are considered illegal. At the same time, there are a few conditions under which you may face jail time as a result of your unpaid debt.

The court can put out a warrant for your arrest if you were found in contempt of court associated with your debt

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Investing in Curb Appeal: How Garage Doors Can Boost Home Value




When homeowners seek to boost the curb appeal of their properties, they often turn to landscaping, exterior paint, and architectural accents. One element that noticeably enhances curb appeal but is often overlooked is the garage door. In this article, we will explore how investing in a quality garage door can pay off by adding value to your home and making a lasting impression on potential buyers.

The Power of Curb Appeal

Research suggests that the condition of the outside of your home says a lot about what’s inside. First impressions matter even more than you might realize. According to a study of homes for sale in Portland, Oregon, residences described as “well-landscaped” sold six weeks faster than those categorized as not well-landscaped. The landscaped homes also sold for roughly 7.5 percent more than the “not well-landscaped” homes.

It’s a fact curb appeal plays a major role in the first impressions that potential buyers form of your home. An attractive home exterior gives your property a welcoming appearance and can add thousands to its value. Homes with high curb appeal fetch an average of 7 percent more than comparable houses, according to a joint study by the University of Alabama and the University of Texas at Arlington. Quality updates, such as a garage door that is both attractive and functional, can also enhance curb appeal and the right updates can boost your home’s value. If you are a homeowner in Vancouver BC, ensuring that your garage door is both attractive and

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How To Make An Effective Business Complaint




No matter who you are, sooner or later you’re going to have a bad experience as a customer. Perhaps your restaurant meal was cooked insufficiently to the point where you have to return the dish and ask for a new one. Maybe you were promised discounts on a flight thanks to your package deal, but the referral never registered and now you have to pay full price, catch the flight, and deal with it on your vacation. We’d rather not raise any blood pressure or raise any bad memories, so we’ll stop there.

Either way, making a complaint in these circumstances is not only a good idea, it’s your main right. Ultimately, you’re helping these companies by demanding fair treatment, highlighting issues, and having them restore the issue. You’re also helping yourself, either by finding a solution to the issue or at least knowing where to never pay for your goods again.

With the advice below, we’ll lay out a few steps to give your business complaint a little more bite:

Treat Customer Service Agents With Respect

While it goes against our frustrations and our need to demand a solution now, it’s important to remember that unless you’re speaking with the direct business owner, you’re likely speaking to an employee and customer service agent. As such, being friendly, open, respectful, polite can get you a result so much more quickly than you would otherwise. You can of course voice your frustrations, but it’s important to do so with tact. You

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