
Who Are Biden Voters Saving The Planet For If None Of Them Are Having Children?



A new report from the Pew Research Center released last week found that less than 20 percent of President Joe Biden’s supporters believe society would be better off prioritizing marriage and children. These are also the voters most likely to believe “climate change” represents an immediate existential threat to the future of the species, which raises the question, who are Biden voters saving the planet for if merely a fraction of them even want children?

Wow. According to new Pew polling, 59% of Trump supporters said society is better if people marry and have children vs. just 19% of Biden supporters. pic.twitter.com/zXboJ6bZNk

— Josh Craddock (@joshjcraddock) June 9, 2024

A separate report from the Pew Research Center out last summer found Democrats overwhelmingly view climate change as a “major threat,” with 78 percent believing so compared to just 23 percent of Republicans. Democrats were also found to favor expensive remedies to confront the challenge, with 59 percent calling climate change a “top priority.”

At the same time, Democrats are more than twice as likely as Republicans to cite climate change as a “major reason” to remain childless, according to a 2020 survey by the Morning Consult. More than 32 percent of Democrats reported climate change as at least a minor reason for not having children compared to just 16 percent of Republicans who said the same.

The American birthrate fell to a record low in 2023, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). An analysis

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