
What Would America’s Five General-Presidents Say About The Ukraine War?



On Monday night, Tucker Carlson reported that he had sent a questionnaire to Republican presidential hopefuls asking them some basic questions about America’s strategic interest in Ukraine. The answers to this questionnaire, which you can review here, are illuminating — including which potential candidates chose not to respond.

Getting answers to these questions from America’s leaders is growing more important by the day. The war in Ukraine is now over a year old, and the United States has already spent in excess of $100 billion on the conflict. Involvement has benefitted neither U.S. interests nor those on Main Street. It has, unfortunately, benefited its elite instigators. War has become “a racket,” in the words of Gen. Smedley Butler, one of the most decorated Marines in history. American elites seem all too comfortable with continuing escalation.

The media, Hollywood, intellectuals, academics, Wall Street with investment banks Blackrock and J.P. Morgan, and leadership of both political parties are “all in” to crush Russia. Similarly, the military-industrial complex, which includes active and retired senior officers and defense contractors, is content to continue profiting from yet another drawn-out military conflict. There is no apparent concern for how this war with a nuclear adversary might escalate uncontrollably, as all wars naturally tend to do.

Despite the elites’ support for this proxy war, there’s one group in America that is no longer all in: the citizenry. Recent polls show less than half of Americans support the war in Ukraine. Ignoring a propagandistic 24/7 news onslaught, voters

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