
What My Family’s Bloody History In The Spanish Civil War Teaches About The FBI’s Assault On Catholics 



It’s time to revisit the Spanish Civil War — a bloody three-year conflict spanning from 1936 to 1939 in which communists massacred Catholics because the church’s doctrine and its head, Jesus Christ, stood in opposition to their ideology and authority. 

Many Americans have never heard of the Spanish Civil War because it’s often ignored by the history books or overshadowed by World War II, but its history is important given the context of our government’s current demonization and targeting of Catholics.

On Wednesday, House Republicans revealed that FBI Director Christopher Wray lied when he testified that only one field office was involved in a memo labeling traditional Catholics as potential domestic terrorists. Subpoenaed documents, which the FBI attempted to withhold from Congress, revealed that multiple FBI field offices were involved in drafting the memo.   

Moreover, the FBI lied when it stated after a whistleblower exposed the memo that the bureau “will never conduct investigative activities or open an investigation based solely on First Amendment protected activity.” The GOP-released documents show in detail that the FBI has already infiltrated Catholic communities with various informants to create the infamous memo.

The revelations have been shocking for many Americans who still believe American officials somewhat respect things like the Constitution and its First Amendment. This is why history is key.

In the 1930s, virtually the entire Spanish government was run by left-wing, anti-religious radicals who called themselves “Republicans.” These communist radicals engaged in the widespread persecution of Spanish intellectuals, the upper class,

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