
What Does Kamala Harris Know About Biden Suddenly Dropping Out Of 2024?



President Biden’s recent address to the nation did little to explain his extraordinary decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race. While he believes his record merited a second term, he claimed passing the torch to the next generation would unite the country.

But that obviously doesn’t explain his decision since, if that were the reason, he would have dropped out before the primaries. The real clue was in his claim to need to “unite my party.” 

It has been widely reported that power brokers in the party pressured Biden to get out. But the American people deserve answers. How and why did they pressure Biden to drop?

Media reports describe party elites as “urging” or “intensely pressuring” Biden to bow out, and “urgently redirecting” the nomination, by arguing that polling was bad. But, Biden told George Stephanopoulos he didn’t believe the polling.

Apparently, more congressmen planned to go public calling on him to step down if he didn’t drop. But almost up to the moment of the fateful post on X, key Biden allies on Capitol Hill were defending him. And he could always threaten to take the whole ship down with him if members refused to fall in line.

The mystery remains. Was something else promised or threatened? One credible possibility, according to The New York Post, was that “party bigwigs threatened to invoke the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution.” Was a threat to expose his physical and mental inability to execute the office the straw that broke Biden’s back?

The question journalists

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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