
Washington Post’s Homeschooling Smears Won’t Stanch Public School Hemorrhage



Record-breaking numbers of families continue to abandon public schools after lockdowns exposed their mass abuse of children, and The Washington Post is willing to descend into tabloid smear mode to try to stop them.

Last week it profiled a couple who were homeschooled and have put their own children into public school. The article takes the couple’s side against their own parents, airing wild allegations of systemic child abuse against all homeschoolers based on the testimony of these two disgruntled graduates.

The article is titled “The revolt of the Christian homeschoolers.” It’s a very tiny revolt, apparently. The Post almost exclusively uses these two homeschool graduates to project onto every homeschooling family frightening images of “Handmaid’s Tale”-esque authorities keeping children in line with smacks from tree branches and hoses.

That’s not an exaggeration. Aaron and Christina Beall “had been raised to believe that public schools were tools of a demonic social order, government ‘indoctrination camps’ devoted to the propagation of lies and the subversion of Christian families,” the 5,000-word article says near the top. The “modern homeschooling movement,” it says,

…led by deeply conservative Christians, saw home schooling as a way of life — a conscious rejection of contemporary ideas about biology, history, gender equality and the role of religion in American government.

Christina and Aaron were supposed to advance the banner of that movement, instilling its codes in their children through the same forms of corporal punishment once inflicted upon them.

Get that?

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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