
Washington Post Found A Lot Of Happy Transgender People, If You Don’t Count Those Who’ve Committed Suicide



The Washington Post must be very proud of itself for tackling one of the biggest problems with the transgender debate (lack of data) and concocting a chipper outcome (most trans people are happy!).

On Thursday the paper published what it called “one of the largest randomized samples of U.S. transgender adults to date about their childhoods, feelings and lives.” The survey took place last year from Nov. 10 to Dec. 1, among 515 U.S. adults who identify as trans and another 823 U.S. adults who did not.

There were a lot of depressing statistics about respondents who are less likely than regular people to say their childhoods were happy and who are more likely to say they often feel anxious. But the ultimate takeaway was that the vast majority of those who said they had “transitioned” away from their natural sex, 78 percent, were “more satisfied” with their lives than before the transition process.

That’s great news for the Post and the rest of the national media trans-champions because it would mean that all the concern and controversy over people who want to irreversibly alter their bodies and appearances with hormones and surgical operations is about nothing!

See? This isn’t about mental illness. Transitioning is real and they’re happier for it!

Like every other one of the media’s new “findings” that fly in the face of common sense and reality (poor diet and lack of exercise have absolutely no bearing on Covid-related morbidity!), it’s nonsense.

Virtually everything about the survey

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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