
Vote411 Feeds Voter Info To Leftist Data Harvesting Machine While Masquerading As ‘Nonpartisan’



Vote411, a project affiliated with the League of Women Voters, bills itself as a “nonpartisan” election resource while helping leftist groups collect user data.

The group calls itself a “nonpartisan,” “one-stop-shop” for “election related information,” according to its website. It offers “general and state-specific information” on things like voter registration and ID requirements. But it also collects user data for the leftist groups League of Women Voters and Rock the Vote.

Vote411 is a project of the League of Women Voters Education Fund (LWVEF). This “educational and fundraising arm” of the League of Women Voters is an “advocacy group for electoral system changes.” The League of Women Voters spends most of its funding on leftist lobbying and advocacy, according to InfluenceWatch. 

Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen warned voters in a press release Monday that Vote411 had issued a “misleading public service announcement” encouraging residents to sign up through its website. But Allen said the website collects users’ data before redirecting them to the Alabama Secretary of State’s website.

“I’m exposing this data-mining collection effort masquerading as Vote411. It’s a sham,” Allen said in the release. “This is simply a shady way to collect the IP addresses and personal data of Alabama citizens.”

Allen cited the group’s privacy policy, which says “the League may, from time to time, share the name and mailing address of its non-member financial supporters with other non-profit organizations.” 

Vote411 admits it collects users’ IP addresses — numbers associated with each unique device —and “certain other

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