
Video Games Are Getting Re-Scripted By Leftist Translators



There’s been much brouhaha over the attempt by woke editors and publishing houses to sanitize the works of Roald Dahl and Ian Fleming to try to make them more amenable to modern audiences. Leftists pore over pages of text to scour out any words or phrases that could conceivably cause offense to a fragile generation.

The world of gaming is also facing this censorious tide, but with an added level of woke shenanigans. Since many popular video games come from foreign markets such as Japan or South Korea, social justice-minded translators are literally changing the scripts of international games to push their own propaganda.

Importing a game from a foreign market often requires two steps: translation and localization. Translation is simply taking the foreign word and finding its closest English equivalent. But what happens when a translator encounters a joke that doesn’t make sense when literally translated to English?

That’s where a localizer steps in and attempts to massage jarring cultural differences into something more comprehensible. And it’s here where the left can do the most damage.

Removing Gender

“Fire Emblem Engage,” the newest game in the long-running Fire Emblem series, received criticism from gamers after it was revealed the localization team removed all language referring to gender and sex from the game, and changed dialogue that could theoretically be construed as offensive.

Bounding into Comics reported, “Fire Emblem Engage avoids mentioning gender when players choose a male or female player character. Instead, they choose their ‘form.’”

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