
Video Call Masturbator Jeffrey Toobin Loves The Idea Of Trump Inspiring A Shooting Or Bombing



You can draw a direct line between the media irrecoverably soiling themselves on the fake “Palestinian hospital bombing” story and an op-ed published on Thursday in which the author gleefully predicted that someone, somewhere, will go on a violent rampage in the name of Donald Trump.

The media absolutely adore violence when they can link it to someone or something that they hate. That anyone might die because of it is neither here nor there.

The Times must have decided it still has some dignity it would like to shed, so the paper ran the piece by Jeffrey Toobin that all but encouraged some lunatic to shoot one of the judges overseeing Trump’s criminal cases. “The day is fast approaching when someone picks up a gun or builds a bomb and then seeks to follow through on Mr. Trump’s words,” wrote Toobin under the discreet headline, “Donald Trump is going to get someone killed.”

And how giddy Toobin will be should that day come. It will make for a head rush that rivals any one of his slippery work-from-home Zoom calls.

“Follow through on Trump’s words,” you say?! Sounds terrible! What was it that he said?!

In the op-ed, Toobin did what all the dishonest journalists (excuse the redundancy) have been doing since 2015: He lied about a bunch of things that are easily verifiable. Namely, things Trump said in public.

Look at this paragraph:

Mr. Trump has always employed invective as a political tool, but as his days

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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