
Tuberville’s Block On Military Promotions Is Freezing Biden’s Slate Of Woke Nominees



Sen. Tommy Tuberville has become enemy No. 1 for Biden’s military. Pentagon chiefs and their allies in Congress and the media have become obsessed with attacking him. Why? Simply because he’s standing in the way of their effort to forcibly convert the military to their leftist ideology.

When Biden decided to pay for service members to get abortions, Tuberville moved to block the administration’s senior military promotions. And he hasn’t given an inch. Coach is standing firm.

Using taxpayer dollars appropriated for the defense of our nation for abortions is one of the most outrageous and radical actions taken by this administration. Tuberville is standing up for the unborn and millions of Americans who never consented to their money being used for killing babies.

But this fight goes beyond abortion. The officers Biden has nominated make up one of the wokest slates of nominees in history, committed to judging soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines by their race and sex, instead of by their merit. These are people who believe that America’s institutions, including the military itself, are hopelessly racist and sexist. Here are just some of the nominees Tuberville is blocking:

Lt. Gen. Kevin B. Schneider (Air Force), nominated for promotion to general and assignment as next commander of Pacific Air Force, has stated that his objective is for “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) philosophy to become part of the Air Force’s “DNA” in order to identify alleged racism in the military.

Rear Adm. Shoshana Chatfield (Navy), nominated for promotion

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