
Trump’s Super Tuesday Triumph Is ‘Ultimate Revenge’ For Hounded Former President



Kahn in his wrath would tell you that “revenge is a dish that is best served cold.” But the Klingon proverb-spouting Star Trek villain surely never had the kind of week Donald Trump is having. 

A day after the U.S. Supreme Court issued a 9-0 ruling spanking Colorado ballot pirates for desecrating American democracy, the former president swept though Super Tuesday with significant wins over his remaining rival and all but secured a third trip as the GOP’s presidential nominee. His victory was so decisive that former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley is expected to officially suspend her campaign Wednesday morning.

Trump gobbled up victory after victory in the day’s 15-state buffet of delegate-stuffed primaries and caucuses, including in Colorado and Maine where the left and Never Trumpers were licking their fresh wounds from Monday’s high court ruling. 

After being unconstitutionally tossed from primary ballots in both states and in Illinois, Trump’s historic legal victory followed by his massive Super Tuesday wins had the former president relishing the sweet taste of instant revenge. 

“Victory Is Our Ultimate Revenge!” the campaign proclaimed in an email alert to supporters that was part victory lap and part fundraising appeal. “We achieved our Greatest Victory to date.”

Trump throttled Haley in all of the day’s contests, save for a close race in the Bernie Sanders socialist playground of Vermont. It was the only triumph Haley could cobble together following the former South Carolina governor’s big first win on Saturday — in the fetid political swamp

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