
Trump’s Georgia Indictment Shows The Democrat Political Prosecutions Are So Much Worse Than The Supposed Crimes



Another prosecutor has done it again. In legal pursuit of Donald Trump, she’s made herself look somehow crazier and more pathetic than any of his desperate attempts to “overturn the results” of the 2020 election.

I know that entire year is still a sore spot for everyone, especially for us, the people who watched for months on end the state-sanctioned harassment of innocent pedestrians, the justification of violent riots (so long as they were of a particular persuasion), and, most enraging, the fix of a national election through ballot rigging and intelligence community meddling. Of course, Trump was angry he lost. So was everyone who voted for him.

And he had every right to pursue any legal avenue that might possibly correct an invalid election result. Unfortunately, he was wedded, and remains so, to the most unlikely one — the hunt for hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots.

Re-read the transcript of the January 2021 phone call between Trump, some of his staff and legal team, and Georgia’s secretary of state. Or better yet, listen to it. Trump sounds enraged to the point of tears each time he’s told that his numbers aren’t born out by the data and that all attempts to validate his claims of mass fraud have turned out either vastly exaggerated or completely without merit. His response is to say he should have never endorsed the governor and call him a “disaster,” who “I can’t imagine he’s ever getting elected again.” (Kemp won reelection in November with

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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