
‘Trumpism Without Trump’ Is A Media Illusion, Republicans Shouldn’t Be Seduced By It In 2024



At the moment, it’s mostly just a line favored by the media that goes something like this, as relayed Thursday in the Wall Street Journal: “Mr. DeSantis is making an implicit argument within the party that Mr. Trump is incapable of winning a general election and trying to appeal to those tired of constant turmoil.”

Republicans, whoever you are, I’m going to say this once: Heading into 2024, don’t even think about making the case, implicitly or otherwise, that you’re somehow above “constant turmoil” or that electing you is a ticket to peace and calm (often nauseatingly referred to as, “Trumpism without Trump”).

Any Republican who believes they’re the anti-noise candidate by simply vowing to abstain from Twitter fights with bedraggled cable news hosts and LeBron James is hopelessly naive. They deserve to be tarred and feathered. (Or if it’s Nikki Haley, forever gagged with a Confederate flag.)

Any Republican worth a moment’s consideration will have to not only be prepared for constant turmoil but embrace it with the flaming wingspan of a phoenix.

Donald Trump admittedly enjoys instigating petty and tacky drama befitting a Real Housewife. But the degree to which the “constant turmoil” of the last seven years has been because Trump gets his jollies from mocking ugly people is negligible. The overwhelming majority of non-stop conflict, discord, and delirium was manufactured by our dishonest media, which will never forgive the voters who elevated modern America’s first genuine Washington outsider to

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